6 D A Y S

8 1 0

6  D A Y S:

Six days. That's how long I've known you. And those days weren't even consecutive, but rather a total of three days for every year I've met you.

The first three days, you had no idea who I was, yet I knew you. That one really tall guy with the killer smile and weird jokes about avocados (which only your closest friends knew the origins of).

You were an alien, a rather exotic creature to me. The rare gem of your species: a species that still made no sense to me at all.

You were tall as well, but your height seemed to suit you. But when you were with your friends, you were all simply a group of terrifying pine trees.

But that was before. Because the following three days were better than I had ever hoped for. If not for mutual friends, I would have never had the guts to be near you.

Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed of such a thing. Perhaps I did once, six years ago. But six was becoming seven and the scars were still healing. Fear above all else held me back before I was pushed in front of you. And rather than pushing me away, you pulled me in. With your floppy dark hair, insanely bright teeth, tall frame, and genuine kindness. But most of all, your avocado jokes which I finally understood.

You commanded attention with your tall frame and deep voice and you were naturally charismatic. Slightly intimidating upon first glance, yet after three more days, I realized that you were about as terrifying as a kitten.

The story I have with you is one that is not yet complete and to be honest, I have no idea where it may go. But for the first time in a while, I was able to smile. I was able to heat up, get nervous, and get sweaty because the thought of talking to you made my feet glue themselves to the floor. But I was also able to peel off the socks from my feet to break free and take a step towards you. Hopefully this step will be the beginning of many more to come. And if not, I'll remember your avocado jokes to make me smile another day. Because in the end, regardless of what happens, I'll remember you and realize that you were simply another part of my past. Even if I have only known you for six days.

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