Prologue I - Within the Scope of Destiny

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Envy. That's what Roeshawn Parker was best known for. Most of his guild-mates played it off as something of a joke. Roeshawn would watch his friends and colleagues in awe as they used their powers. He wished he were able to do the incredible things they were able to accomplish.

It wasn't necessarily a lack of confidence in himself, but envy toward their incomprehensible abilities. Being honest with himself, it wasn't just that. He envied their ability to just enjoy being together. None of them seemed to have any need to grow or improve. None of them wanted to become stronger or grow as people. For him, this wouldn't do.

He felt a longing. He longed for a group of friends and guild-mates that wouldn't simply laugh at him, but laugh along with him, make him stronger, and make him a better person. This wasn't a fleeting desire to find like-minded people; it was a life goal to improve his own power by joining exceptional people. It was a longing he had yet to satisfy in any of the guilds he had been with, and he had been with many

Bouncing from group to group, despite how much the groups he joined enjoyed being with him, he left them all. He needed more, and so the cycle was born. He would join a guild, run missions with them, determine the group would not have what he needed to fulfill this dream, and move on. This cycle had been going on as long as he could remember.

He shook these thoughts out of his head as he prepared for the group's mission. He stared at himself in the mirror within the small room.

"Well, what are you going to do?" he asked himself.

"ATTENTION: SCOPES, PLEASE REPORT TO MISSION CONTROL," the announcement echoed through the halls of the living quarters.

"Here goes nothing," he said to his reflection before leaving the room.

As he headed to Mission Control, he wondered how long he would be with this guild before it was time to move to another group. Why was his life on repeat? To him, every guild was the same. They all thought they were doing the right thing, even if that meant they would do the wrong thing to achieve it. He felt as if their sense of justice was actually pulling them in the wrong direction. It was as if they were looking toward the finish line blindly without bothering to make sure they were still on the path. Did this make them... evil?

There wasn't much time to see where that thought was going to take him, as he arrived at Mission Control. Spark greeted him as he arrived on the platform overseeing the teleporters.

"Hey, Scopes!" Spark greeted cheerfully, grabbing one of his large arms for a hug. Scopes had always thought that her name was a little stupid and lacked any kind of imagination, but he would never tell her. It would hurt her feelings.

"Hey, Spark," Scopes responded somewhat soberly.

"Geez, what's up with you?" she inquired.

"Nothing, really. I's just thinkin', but I'm fine," he replied with a fake enthusiasm.

"Well alright, but you had better get ready! We're getting ready to go!" she proclaimed with just as much enthusiasm as ever.

"Great," he said with his usual boredom.

The commander of the Hallowed Earth guild, Captain Rubrix, began explaining the mission that day. They were going to stop a group of bandits from looting and destroying the nearby city. The mission was simple enough. They were to go in, beat up the "bad guys," capture any of them they could, and ultimately disband the group to ensure they wouldn't hurt the citizens any longer. It was a typical job.

"Looks like this is going to be business as usual," Wisp said casually.

"Oh, hey man. I didn't see you come in," Scopes said, acknowledging Wisp.

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