IX. The Search

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"That's impossible," Hardy said, crossing his arms, "No one can enter the hall without being a member."

"Then why can't any of us reach him?!" Time said, punching the door as he left Scopes's room.

The group stared at the empty doorway for a while. After a few minutes, they decided to follow him and attempt to calm him down. They went to the lounge first, and there, they found Time, sitting at the bar. He didn't have a drink, he was just sitting. His hands were flat against the bar, and he was staring off into space. Hardy approached and sat his hand on Time's shoulder.

"We should probably tell Judais about this," Hardy said.

"No," Time said flatly, "he would just call us all idiots and then punish us for losing a team-mate."

"I think that's a bad idea," Passion said. "He could help us."

"We don't even need him!" Xenon said hitting his chest with fist, "I'm way bigger than Judais, and I can totally do anything!"

"He's over a foot taller than you," Hardy said with an irritated tone.

Xenon stood triumphantly, his hands on his hips, and said, "Still not talking about my height." He winked and gave a thumbs up.

"...something tells me that isn't true either," Hardy said rolling his eyes.

The group all grabbed drinks and moved to the tables. They sat for a long time, coming up with different plans about how they might find Scopes and whether or not they should tell Judais. After much deliberation, they finally convinced Passion not to tell Judais, but they still hadn't come any closer to finding Scopes.

"Wait! I think I know a way I can locate him!" Passion said, suddenly jumping up from her chair.

"What are you thinking?" Time said, curiously.

"The body link!" Passion said, "I've used it on all of you before!"

Xenon looked down and touched his chest. He said, "That weird flame that goes into my chest and makes me feel all weird?"

"Yes, we've all experienced it," Hardy said, "but how would you use it to find Scopes?"

"Well, for a little while after using it, I can sense everyone it's connected to!" Passion explained with enthusiasm, "I've never tried it at a distance, though."

"I'd say it's worth a try," Time said.

"The only problem is..." Passion said slowly, "I won't be able to give exact coordinates for a teleport. We would be searching on foot most likely."

"Searching the entire world for a faint signal?" Time said, "That doesn't seem possible."

"No, not the whole world," Passion explained, "if this works, I should be able to narrow down the coordinates to an area of a ten or so square miles, but I'm just saying, we will have to do some traveling when we get where we are going."

"That's so cool!" Xenon shouted.

"Alright, let's try," Hardy said.

Passion put her hands together like she was praying, bringing her hands to her chest. She closed her eyes as her energy began to build, causing her hair to float from her shoulders. After a few seconds, she spread her hands apart and a small rainbow-colored orb appeared between them. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"I can sense him," She said with excited relief in her voice.

Time stared at the orb and asked, "But do you think you can keep that going while you teleport?"

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