VII. The Golden Specter

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"You mean this has been here the whole time?!" Xenon said in shock as he entered the library with Passion.

Passion was already annoyed with him and they had only been together for a few minutes. "Yes, Xenon, it's been here the whole time. This is the library."

"Woah... I had no idea," he said, eyeing the vast sums of books stashed throughout the room.

"That's because you won't read anything that isn't on the back of a cereal box," Passion said irritably, "Now shut up and help me look."

"Alright, alright," Xenon said as they began walking through the many, many rows of books.

Passion had taken an interest in the coin Xenon found on their last mission and asked Xenon if he wanted to help her research it to determine where it had come from. She later regretted this decision as they were in the search together at that point. Passion gathered a stack of potential books she thought the symbol may appear in and moved to one of the large tables located in the center of the library.

Xenon returned about ten minutes later with two books. One about different powers those with super speed may be able to master, the other about the symbols different guilds use. While the first one clearly had nothing to do with the task at hand, Passion was glad to see he listened, at least in part, with the second book.

The two searched diligently through the books they had brought back with them. Passion searched through books about ancient deities for clues, through the book of summons, and everywhere else she could think of. After about thirty minutes, Xenon suddenly became excited, tapping Passion on the arm.

"Look! I found it!!" Xenon said, pointing at the image in the book.

Passion got up and stood next to Xenon, studying the image on the page. It was the exact same coin. The little perv had found it in the book of guild symbols. Passion snatched the book from him and started reading through it. After she had finished that section, she turned back to Xenon and said, "Wisp mentioned he had joined a new guild."

Xenon nodded, then got a somber look on his face and said, "Does that mean that jerk is still alive?"

"Possibly," Passion said, reviewing the information again, "but I don't really see how after we all teamed up. I could feel Time's attack pass through my shield when I had Wisp trapped."

"...speaking of his attack," Xenon said, "did you know he had that kind of power?"

"No, not a clue," Passion said, never looking up from her book, "I would be willing to bet Judais did though."

"I'm gonna go ask him," Xenon said, as he started to run off.

"Let me go with you," Passion said in a manner resembling how one might speak to a child, "and I'll bring the book so we can show him this too."

"Oh! Right!" Xenon said, jumping in place as he waited for Passion to finish gathering her things.

"You know," she said, "You could make this go faster by putting all these books back."

"Okay!!" Xenon said excitedly. He grabbed the stack Passion had assembled and took off. As he sped away, Passion thought about the fact that he would likely put them in the wrong place and regretted telling him to put them back just for a few seconds alone.

"All done!" Xenon said, "Are you ready yet or what?!"

"Yes, I'm ready," she said patiently, "Now tell me, did you put all the books back in the correct spots?"

"Well yeah," Xenon said.

As much as Passion would have liked not to believe him, she remembered that he was the one that found the book they were looking for. She felt a little more at ease.

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