VI. The Glowing Heart

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A week had passed since their successful team training, and Time, Scopes, Hardy, and Passion were sitting in the lounge eating a small breakfast. They were discussing Passion's recent research into soul skills as they enjoyed their morning with one another.

"But I still don't quite get how it works," Time said, stuffing another bite of waffles into his mouth.

"Simple," Passion explained, sitting her fork down, "it's not like a standard power you can learn to use, it's more like a feeling. There's no manual on how to do it, you just do it when the circumstance arises. After someone has done it, they can generally use it again recreating the same feeling in themselves."

"So it's like when I'm hanging out with you guys, like, I feel happy," Scopes said, sipping a glass of juice.

"In a way, I guess," Passion said, "I wouldn't know exactly, I can't use mine yet."

"I still can't believe that little perv was the first one of us to unlock it," Hardy said, shoving a piece of toast into his mouth almost angrily.

Time looked up from his plate and asked, "Does that mean he can use it at will now?"

"I would think so," Passion said, "but someone as young as him may not be able to harness that power fully for a few more years."

"Who are you guys talking about?" Xenon said, entering the lounge in a towel, his still wet hair dripping all over the floor.

"Geez, didn't anyone ever teach you any manners?!" Passion said, bringing her palm to her forehead.

"No, not really," Xenon said, walking to the bar and grabbing a soda and walking to the table with the rest of them. He plopped into one of the chairs and started sipping his soda. "Don't know what the big deal is anyway, I've got a towel."

"Yeah, I think she meant the dripping," Hardy said with a slight smile.

"Definitely didn't just mean the dripping," Passion said flatly.

"Whatever," Xenon said, ignoring them completely as he continued to sip his soda.

The group continued their breakfast except Xenon who continued drinking his soda. Now that Xenon had arrived, they decided not to talk about their soul skills anymore. They changed the subject to the upcoming mission Judais had mentioned earlier in the week and what all it might require of them. Judais had mentioned that they were going on a group mission and that they would have to work as a team in order to solve the objective.

"Just make sure you guys don't weigh down how awesome I'm going to be in there," Xenon said, pointing his bottle at the group.

"Don't know why you're so cocky," Hardy said, shooting a glare across the table, "I could take you."

"Anytime, anywhere, old man," Xenon said leaning forward and pointing at Hardy.

"Please. You don't want any of what I've got," Hardy said smugly.

"What, just because you're like a billion years old, you think you're stronger than me?!" Xenon said, leaning over the table, trying to swing at Hardy.

Suddenly Xenon was surprised to feel he had been spanked. He looked back to see Passion with a stern look on her face.

"Knock it off," Passion said bluntly.

Xenon sat back in his chair and leaned back as he was before, crossing his arms.

"Man, y'all are funny," Scopes said with a small chuckle.

"I would like for all of you to join me in the Central Hub," Judais said, appearing in the doorway, "I would like to go over the details of your mission today. Oh, and Xenon, we talked about this. Get dressed." And with that, he disappeared from view.

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