Chapter 1:Unexpected

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"That jerk!" I mutter angrily, walking down the street. How could he do that!! After waiting for him half an hour and listening to his self-indulgent droning, this is what I get? Okay, so I made fun of his bulldog named Blossom. It's not a big deal. Right? The guy must be a nutjob. I mean who in their right mind would name a bulldog 'Blossom'! I couldn't control myself, I had to laugh out loud, resulting in me being stranded like a damn cat.

After walking for five minutes, it finally dawns on me that I can't possibly walk down the whole way home. I have to find a ride, desperately. I can just call Scratch that idea! He'll laugh his ass off. That'd be more humiliating. I can call my mom, sure, she'll be understanding, except my parents don't know I'm here. No no... don't you assume anything bad... I told them I'm coming here, just not alone, and most importantly, not with a guy for a date. I'm 17, almost 18 and yet to them, I'm not grown up enough to be going out with a guy. But with Alex, it's a different story. The only boy they approve of is Alex, my best friend for ten years. Ever since we moved to this town, he's been a constant part of my life, his parents being friends with my parents.

"Need a ride, princess?" A rough, husky voice breaks my reverie. I turn to see a boy riding a motorcycle without helmet, waiting on my right. He has arresting grey eyes and beautiful blond hair. Those I notice first. Oh, I know him! He's in my school, though I can't remember his name.

" thanks," I say with a bit of uncertainty, cause I know I don't have much choice. Even then, I can't think of riding with him. We're not friends, and to be honest, I don't know him at all. He's one of the black sheep of our school. Kids coming from that side of town just don't mingle with us. And with their history of violence and addiction,we're more than happy for that. This guy is probably on drugs, too.

I turn away from him, starting to walk fast, well as fast as I can be in these heels. I have to take a decision. I can't go on like this. It's getting darker every minute. Dialling Alex's number while walking, I come to a dark alley. I don't notice them until I am half down the alley. There on the other side, three men are having a chat. By the looks of them, they aren't what you'd call gentlemen.

My heart starts to pound hard. What did I bring myself into? If I wasn't so busy dialling Alex's number, which he wasn't answering, I would've noticed them. Slowly turning around, praying hard they don't see me, I start to take small steps away from them. I am almost out of that alley, thanks to my lucky stars!
"Hey, you, babydoll! Where you goin', huh?"
Crap! One of the thugs has seen me! I look behind to see all three of them hurrying towards me. I have, never in my life, experienced fear like that. I start to run. They are more than happy to give me a little chase. After all, we all know I wouldn't go far, not with the heels I'm wearing. Why lie? I'm not much of a runner.

My heart's pounding so hard it would come out any time now. My breaths are coming out in harsh pants. They are almost closing in...
Then I hear a loud screech of tires on concrete.
"Hop on, princess! You don't have much time," says the boy whose name I still can't remember. I think I cry with relief then. I don't need to be told twice. I hop on to his motorcycle and put my arms around his waist, as tight as possible. "Thank you, thank you!!" I utter putting my face against his back. We gun down the street.

"Um... princess, not that I don't appreciate your way of showing gratitude, we're safe now. So could you stop trying to smother me?" I come to my senses, realizing I was literally hugging him from behind. I have no idea how long I was hugging him. I blush.
"Sor-sorry." I manage while extricating my limbs from his torso; but holding on to him loosely. I am mortified. I don't know his name and look how I was riding with him! If it wasn't for him... I can't imagine what I'd had to face in that dark alley.

"Does your shiny ass boyfriend know you're looking out for a little fun?"he shouted over the rumble of the motorcycle. Is he referring to Alex?
"Oh, but you have my sympathies, totally. I know 'fun' isn't a word included in his dictionary."

He's definitely talking about Alex. Yeah, he's a bit on the serious side. Also, he's not my boyfriend, but I don't say that to him.

One thing was bothering me, though. "How do you know about my date?" I demand. Is he, like, following me???

"I work at Olivia's" is the only explanation he gives.

Oh, so he saw me with Ryan at the diner. I didn't see him as one of the waiters, though. I suppose I would've noticed a tall waiter with beautiful blond hair and that too with a tendency to fall over his wolfish grey eyes.
"You weren't one of the waiters."
"So what?"
"How'd you see me?"
He is silent for seconds. I am about to ask again.
"I wash dishes", he says, exhaling.
We fall silent afterwards.

20 minutes later...
We enter our locality. I can see small  colorful cute houses on both sides of the road. We're not rich. My father runs a construction business and mom works as a freelance copywriter. I have everything I need, though. As we approach my house, I grow nervous. I don't want my parents or Alex to find out about my disaster of a date. If this boy drops me off at my door, everyone will know. Yeah, my neighbors are tad nosy.

"Okay, you can drop me off here."

"Here? But, this is not your house."

He knows where I live! What's going on? If I weren't so scared back at the diner, I would've never trusted this boy, who's practically a stranger. Now, my nervousness grows even more.

"No, but I don't wanna give you anymore trouble. You've done enough already." I extend my right hand.
"Thanks once again! I'm Rhea." We shake hands.

"Good night, princess. Next time you go lookin' for some fun, remember can be dangerous." With this he rides away.

Thirty minutes later, after telling my mom everything was good for a dozen times, washing my teeth and changing into my PJs, I am finally in my bed. I realize two things then. One, sometimes help comes from unexpected sources. Two, he didn't tell me his name.

Hello everyone, I'm Elena. This is my first story. If you like it, please, let me know. Also, don't forget to vote, comment and share!!

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