Chapter 3: Drama!

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Rhea's POV
At least I got one question answered. His name, Jace Kumar. What an unusual last name. It fits him though; adds to the mystery he is. I want to know so much more about him but he didn't give me any chance. I tried to thank him properly which he waved off. After that, all my attempts at conversation got only one response. "Not here." And when the bell rang, he was the first one to get out of the class. Why's he so evasive?

Once out of the class, I spot Jessica on the corridor, waiting for us. We have Spanish class now, me, Jess, Ross and Rita. Mr. Smart Urban will go for Maths. "My heartfelt condolences, girl!" Jess says with a grave face. "Why? What happened?" Rita asks, her curiosity piqued. She has joined us after her art class. "Miss Simpson here, got paired with the prince of Weed kingdom, Jace!" Jess looks satisfied to break the news first. We start to walk towards our Spanish class in the opposite building. Rita's eyes become comically large. "WHATTT?" She almost shouts. She likes drama if nothing else. Ross snickers and I roll my eyes at them.

I don't like labelling people the way Jess does. To her, everyone is either 'bitch', 'gorgeous hoe', 'shit face' or in this case, 'prince of the weed kingdom'. But I couldn't say anything. I had to look nonchalant. I don't know why I want to keep our last night's encounter a secret, like it's our secret. God! What am I thinking? Jess is filling Rita in on all the details of the history class. Rita is listening with rapt attention, occasionally uttering 'ooh' and 'ah'.To my astonishment, even Ross is taking part in the conversation. I didn't know he'd want to discuss my love life with two girls! All my highschool years I've spent with them but now I realize, I still don't know them! I sigh inwardly and tune them out. They'd eventually stop when we reach our class.

Instead, I find my thoughts drifting towards the magnetic field called Jace Kumar. What's he got that I'm so drawn to him? Is this because of his ruggedly handsome look, the way his full mouth compels me to think about how it'd feel to kiss him? or is it his stormy grey eyes that makes me wonder how he'd look at me when we do kiss? I don't want to be like all those girls who drool over a hot guy. I hope I'm better than that! Also, something tells me he's not just a hot boy with a bad reputation. The way he helped me last night should count, right?

"Look look!!" Rita's excited whisper jerked me to the here and now. My eyes followed her pointing hands and met with the very same grey eyes, now gleaming with silent amusement. "The weed prince is checking Rhea out!" Jess says excitedly. "Man I knew it!" Ross says with a fist pump."Alex is too naive to see it." He says with a self satisfied grin. What's he rambling about? He told Alex what?? My heart's beating hard. I can't make myself join in their amusement and finally when I look back at Jace, he winks at me before taking the opposite direction. The devilish creatures I call 'friends', are whooping with laughter beside me.

I don't know what Jace is playing at?? In the class, he seemed outright uninterested and now in front of all my friends, he had the gall to wink at me!! And what did Ross tell Alex? I don't know why, even the thought of Alex learning about everything that has transpired between Jace and me since last night, makes me nervous. "God! Please don't turn my life into a cliched high school drama!" I whisper under my breath.

Hello my friends! So the third chapter is finally out! This is a shorter one. Do you want short chapters like this one? Do tell me. I'm excited for you to read the story of Rhea, Alex and Jace. Do you like the way the story is going right now? Who is your favorite? Jace? Alex? Or is it Rhea? Do comment and vote!


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