Chapter 5: Night Callers

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              Dedicated to Rudra33333
Rhea's POV
It's half past nine at night.  I'm on my PJs, sitting cross-legged on my bed, doing my homework. After Alex dropped me off at home I went to my mom in her reading room. She was busy, writing the whole day, trying to meet a deadline. Even freelancers have to stick to some rules. Seeing her so worn out, I volunteered to cook dinner. I'm a decent cook and my Dad loves whatever I cook. Dad and Alex. They're my loyal supporters in any endeavor I take in cooking. Mom sometimes tries to point out what I could do better but gets silenced by Dad's loud applaud.

Tonight I made pasta with white sauce. Both Mom and Dad liked it. We usually have early dinner and after that, I go to my room - studying, listening to music, watching Netflix - whatever I like. No one is there to bother me. Tonight, though, I'm focusing on my homework assigned by Miss Hill. She's asked me to write an essay on the causes of cold war in the post WWII era. She's a tough cookie, not easily disheartened by our lack of enthusiasm and if I fail to submit this tomorrow, I don't think I'd like the result. I have to finish this tonight, at any cost.

All sorts of books and handwritten notes are scattered around the bed. I'm not a very organized person. I've never been able to use the study desk. My cute fluffy bed is my favorite place to study.

I am staring at the laptop screen - nibbling on the pen - searching for reliable websites in the topic when my phone rings. I peek at it. It's Alex. I pick up the phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing. Just finished helping Den with his homework," He sounds tired.

Denver is his younger brother and goes to the same school as us, Jackson High. He's a sophomore and as bright a student as his elder brother. They're close, most of the time coming to each other's aid at times of need. Sometimes I wonder what'd it feel like having a sibling; sharing food, clothes, gifts, and most importantly, secrets.

"Have you finished yours?"

"No. I had problem concentrating."

"Why? What's gotten you so distracted?"

He seems to hesitate before answering. "Rhea I...I'm sorry for the way I reacted today. I shouldn't have given you hell for something you had no choice."

"It's OK Alex. I totally understand," I try to assure him.

"But do you really, Rhea?" He sounds a bit defeated.

"What's that supposed to mean Alex?" I say, cross. I don't like vagueness. If he has something to tell me he'd better be clear.

"Nothing. See you tomorrow. Don't be late."

He disconnects the phone.

I can't shake off the feeling that recently Alex's words are becoming hard to understand. I feel like he wants me to figure out something, like he's giving me these clues and I'm failing to get it. Maybe it's nothing, I'm just over thinking things.

I'm about to get back to my studies when my phone chimes. An incoming text message. I half expect it to be Alex, apologizing again. I sigh and glance at the phone. It's an unknown number. I have all my friends' numbers saved on my contact list. Who's texting me then? When I take a look at the content of the message, I'm instantly sitting upright, shocked.

Trouble in paradise? Sorry for the inconveniences I created.

How did he get my number?? And how the hell he knows I had problem with Alex? A feeling of unease creeps up on me. I send him a quick text.

How'd you get my number?

I have my ways.

What does that mean? Are you stalking me?


I dial the number on the screen. He picks up immediately.

"Hello, princess!" His husky voice sounds cheerful.

"How'd you get my number?" I demand again.

"I told you I have my ways." He sounds like he's enjoying this way too much.

But sadly I don't find this funny at all. I let the pen drop on the bed. I have to wipe off the sexy smile that I'm sure  he's smiling right now.

"Do you realize you sound like a creepy bastard from a B grade horror movie that no one bothers to watch?"

"Temper, temper," He chuckles.

As much as I try to be tough, something about him makes me go soft. I find myself wondering if I could see him in person when he's in such a good mood. I quickly erase that thought.

"It is not funny, Jace. At school, you hardly said more than two words when I tried to talk to you and now you're calling me at night---"

"Hate to interrupt princess, but I think you've confused who's calling whom."

"What do you want from me?" I ask,  cutting to the chase.

"Nothing much, at least not right now. Just a little bit of help with the homework Hill assigned us. After all, we're partners now."

As partners we are supposed to help each other but I'm almost done with it and don't need his help.

"Yeah, partners help each other. How'd you help me in return?" I challenge him.

"Your memory is weak, princess. I've already helped you. The least you can do is help me with my homework in return."

So now he's asking for return favor? I can't refuse him. He did help me that night.

"So where do you need help?" I say with a long drawn out breath.

I spend next twenty minutes explaining to him the intricacies of the events leading to the cold war.

It's quarter past ten and I absolutely need to sleep now. Otherwise I'll feel like a zombie tomorrow. A sleep deprived girl turning into a zombie! Ha!

"My work is done here. You understand the basics, right?"


"You know a decent person would say 'thank you' in return." I say dryly.

"Yeah, a decent person would."

Ugh! He's so infuriating! I give up on the idea of him thanking me.

Instead, I say, "Well, thanks to you then, for keeping me company in the lonely hours of night." I'm excelling at sarcasm tonight.

"You're welcome princess."

Is this guy for real? All my sarcasm is lost on him. He's making me crazy. I have to stop talking to him, right now.

"Listen, I gotta go."

"Well then, good night and dream of me, princess." He disconnects the call with a hint of a smile in his voice.

Finally, at quarter to eleven, I'm lying down on my bed with a stupid smile on my face which I can't erase, as much as I try. What's happening to me???

It's a night for Rhea, Jace and Alex. While they sleep or whatever else they do, you have to read the chapter and comment below on how you liked Jace's character. Also, don't forget to press the small 🌟 below!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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