6: *insert chapter name*

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The walk back to Edd's apartment was a tad bit difficult. Tord was tired, and really struggling, and Edd was glad that Tord's pilots were there, and Matt. If they weren't getting back would be much more difficult.

Edd fumbled with the key to his apartment, his mind whirling. Apparently, Tom had literally dragged Tord out of the apartment, and left him in that alley, and then lied about it.

Edd pushed the door open and ushered Tord inside. "Tord, bathroom. I still have to bandage your injures" He gave Tord a gentle push. "Go"

Tord did as Edd said and shuffled to the bathroom. Edd turned to address the other three people in the room. "Okay.." Edd began with addressing Tord's pilots You guys can figure out what your gonna do next.. Matt, can you help me out?" Matt nodded and followed Edd to the bathroom.

Tord was sitting on the floor, his right eye had started swelling and was pretty swollen know. "..Ice. Matt, could you get some?" "Sure!" Matt slipped out of the bathroom. "Tord, could you.. Take off the hoodie?"

Tord nodded and slipped the hoodie off, tossing it at Edd. "Tord- why-" Edd smiled.
Tord laughed softly, his eyes bright. "Hey, it's your hoodie, don't you want it back?" "Not really"

Tord tilted his head ever so slightly. "Why not?" "Its got Tord cooties" Edd shuffled over to Tord and sat besides him, then poked his cheek. Tord laughed and pushed Edd's hand away. "Weirdo"

Tord suddenly fell forward, onto Edd. "..Thanks for coming to look for me.." "Anytime"

Edd gently pushed Tord off him. Tord stared at him in quiet confusion. "I don't really want you to touch me, because you have Tord cooties." "Oh really?" Tord suddenly launched himself at Edd, tackling the Cola-Holic into a hug. "Tord! No!" Edd squealed, trying to push the other off him. "Nope! You've got Tord cooties now!"

"Noooo!" Tord laughed and clung tightly to the Cola-Holic. "Yes!" Tord had his arms wrapped around Edd, with his head buried in his chest. "Your infected now!" "Ah! Nooooo!" Edd was tempted to roll over, but he didn't want to hurt Tord.

"Edd I got the ice!..." Tord shot up and pushed himself away from the other, his face bright red. Edd pushed himself up. "..Thanks, Matt.." Matt shuffled over and sat besides Edd, handing him a plastic bag full on ice with a towel around it. "Here, put this on your eye" Edd tossed the bag of ice to Tord, and got up, to get the gauze.

Tord placed the bag on his eye, "You know.. If my eye swells completely I won't be able to see anything"

Edd sat back down besides Matt. "Why?" Matt asked, picking up the scissors that was left on the floor earlier. Tord pointed to his left eye. "This eye, is blind." "Oh. Is that because..." "The explosion...."

"Tord, closer" Tord inched closer. Edd tossed Matt the second thing of gauze, and then began to wrap Tord's chest and stomach with gauze. "What do I do..?" "Wrap his shoulder and arm..."

Matt began to work on that, and the room plunged into an uncomfortable silence. Tord had to put down the bag of ice down.

Once they finished, Tord once again held the ice to his eye as Edd and Matt cleaned up the gauze.

Edd was standing at the sink, putting things away in the medicine cabinet, when someone wrapped they're arms around him from behind. Edd jumped, startled. "Whoa- Edd, it's just me" Tord

"You startled me" Edd gently pushed Tord off of him. "Sorry. Can I have your hoodie?" "No" "...." "I'll be right back!"

Edd slipped out of the bathroom and left Tord in quiet confusion. When Edd returned, he had something that he shoved into Tord's hands. "Here!" It was his hoodie.

"Oh- Oh!" It took Tord a moment to process it, but it was his hoodie. It was a little disappointing. Now he didn't have an excuse to wear Edd's hoodie.

"I washed it for you!" Tord slipped on the hoodie. "Thanks, Edd.." "No problem!"


Pat and Paul were gone.

They were just, gone. "..I guess they left...." Edd said, walking into the kitchen. "..It'd be nice if they told me what they were gonna do before they left..." Tord announced, sitting on the couch besides Matt. "I mean, they just left, without saying anything"

The sound of popcorn being made came from the kitchen. "Up for a movie?" "Yeah!" "Sure" "Matt's a lot more enthusiastic about a movie, Tord" "And?"

After a minute, Edd walked back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. "What are we gonna watch?" Tord asked, moving closer to Matt to make room for Edd. Edd sat next to Tord, handing him the bowl of popcorn. "Um..."

"Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell? We could watch all of the movies!" Matt almost jumped off the couch in his excitement. "Oh! Yeah, that's a good idea, Matt!" Edd got up from the couch, and shuffled over to where all the movies were, by the TV. He grabbed the movie and slipped it into the D.V.D player. Edd shuffled back to the couch and took his place next to Tord.

Edd, for seemingly no reason, put his arm around Tord's shoulder and pulled the other closer. Tord made a soft squeak of surprise, but honestly, he didn't mind, it was nice. Tord relaxed, snuggling up against Edd, it was the first time he really felt safe and relaxed. This was okay.


Shorter chapter, but I felt like ending it here.

So sorry ~TordEdd~Where stories live. Discover now