Chapter 22

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Demi's pov

"N-Nick?" I spoke into the phone.

"Yeah Demi?"

"I'm pregnant and Dani's gone!" I heard Nick gasp through the phone. "What?! I'm coming over.Stay put!"

I nodded and hung up. I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I stared at the phone for a minute before breaking down again on the couch. Already wishing the tears would end already.

The front door swung open and shut again. Nick's footsteps made their way towards the living room. "N-Nick?" I asked wearily. My body not able to keep myself up any longer.

"Demi! Where's Daniella?" I shook my head. "Sh-She found out and I-I got mad and hit her and then she went somewhere I don't k-know where!" I sobbed as my shoulders shook uncontrolably. "Demi? Calm down please! Demetria!" I snapped at the end.

"S-sorry Nick! I'm soo sorry." I told him. Guilt washing over me. "It's okay Demi. Just listen to me okay? Dani's a strong girl she proberly just needs space she'll come back. Okay? Relax because its bad for the baby."

I smiled a watery smile as Nick spoke. His lips connected to mine and felt this rush taking over,disconecting myself from the problems of this world. When we pulled away, I just couldn't keep my eyes off him. I'm in love with Nick again. The one who's my bestfriend.

"I love you Nick so much." His eyes shone as her looked down at me. "Demetria I'll always love you forever."

I smiled from ear to ear and kissed his sweet lips. He is my cure. I needed him. Forever.

Daniella's pov

Time lapse...

The sun's bright light peeked through the worn down curtains of the orphange. Already awake, I climbed out of the bed my mind trying to memorise the events that happened. It just kept putting pieces together until there it was a perfect memory.

I wanted to cry but I didn't, I had no strength anymore. The tears disappeared a long time ago. "Dani?" Selena's voice brought me back to reality. Reality itself was scary, but so was my mind, so I'm trapped in both worlds.

"Yeah?" I had already got used to Selena since that very day. She treated me like a sister but not enough for me to let her in. "Your getting fostered again remember?" A soft sad smile appeared on Selena's face. I had only been here 2 months yet I've been fostered 4 times and adopted 2 times just to be sent back.

I've only had one foster home that was nice for me but they had their own kid soon after and dumped me back again. "This one is going to be better I promise."

"Selly don't say that. You said that about the last place and look where I am. I don't even last a week in those places. Don't promise."

"I know, I know I'm sorry and sorry I can't watch you leave because I'm going to see a friend."

"Who?" I asked curiously. "Errm have you ever heard of Demi Lovato?" Have I ever, Demi Lovato is my mother! Unfortunatly! Either way I nodded.

"Yeah well her. She's having a hard time. I heard that her daughter ran away and she's pregnant. Oh and she's marrying Nick in 3 months. I'm going to the wedding. I'll ask if you can come okay?"

I stood in shock as my brain processed the information. I didn't want to see Demi not at all. But for Selena not to get suspicous I nodded a yes. "Great!" She squeeled. "I have to go now. I'll ask her okay." She pulled me into a hug and I hug back wanting to make this last for forever. "Bye babygirl, I love you."

"I love you too Selly see you soon." I whispered in the crook of her neck. I reluctantly let go as she kissed my forehead. Waving goodbye she walked out of the room. I sighed. I guess I have to do this on my own.

My bedroom door squeaked open again as the two parents I was getting fostered by came into the room. "Hey sweetie. You ready to go?" The lady asked me.

I nodded and picked up the small suitcase Selena brought me. "Right lets go then." The man spoke up. I nodded following them outside to their car. I didn't say bye to anyone.

I didn't have too. I don't have friends and the careworkers hate me. All except,Selena of course.

Once we arrivied at the house I  sighed. Well here's my new life. Wondering if it will ever get better. Not that I have a high hope anyway.


Demi's pov

"Selly!" I squealed at the girl infront of me. "Omg Demi. You look so amazing. I can't wait for this baby to be born!" She told me.

"Me too!" I hugged her hard as she did with me. "Soo when is the wedding's offical date?" She asked walking into the house behind me.

"We're not really sure we just know in 3 months." I told her. She nodded then her face lit up. "Oh right soo there's this girl at the orphange called Daniella Jasmine and she wanted to come to your wedding and she has the same name as your daughter, so I thought yanno." She trailed off.

"Okay?" I said processing the info. "Is that just her name? Does she have a last name?"

Selena shook her head. "Not that I know off. Her name is only Daniella Jasmine."

"C-can I see her?" Selena shook her head. "She got fostered and if I want to take her to your wedding, if she's aloud, then it's up to her foster parents, not me. She's only aloud out once away from her family. Unless she gets sent back again."

"What do you mean again?"

"She has been sent back because they either didn't want her, had their own child or she got abused." I gasped. That poor child could be my baby and I wasn't there to protect her. What mother am I?

"I can call her if you like?" Selena asked. I nodded rapidly. Selena placed her phone on the table and clicked loudspeaker.

"Hey Dani?" She spoke.

"Oh hi Selly! I miss you already."

"Aww me too! babygirl there's someone who wants to speak to you." Is it weird that her voice sounded familiar. "Yeah sure who is it?"

"Its Demi. I told you about her."

I think she froze because no sound came from the speakers. "Dani?! Hello!" Selena called out.

"Oops sorry. Errm Selly I have to go my foster momma is calling me bye love you!" She quickly hung up and Selena shot me an apologetic glance.

"It's okay Sel. I understand." She nodded and hugged me, I hugged her back tightly, not wanting to let go of my bestfriend.

Not My Sister (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang