Chapter 38

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What am I doing here? Why am I even here? People are probably judging me right now,thats right, blame everything on me. I can't seem to comprehend this pain that is in me. I guess that's what happens when you kill someone huh?

I scanned around the room, to meet with a pair of familiar eyes. I know her from somewhere...her name...ermm...


Selena went off to chat with her friends while I sat in the corner reading. I did say parties weren't my thing. "Hey?" I looked up to notice a person ,I never met in my life, standing infront of me. "Hey?" I asked.

"Who are you?" The person asked.

"I'm Daniella.You?"

"Cady, Maddie's friend."

"Oh okay." Her face turned to the direction of someone calling her name. It was Demi. Ohmigod. "Errm I have to go!"

Flashback ends

Cady!! That's her name! She's the one staring at the back of Sofia's head intently. One thing I do know is she is Maddie's friend but why is she staring at Sofia. Humm I'll figure it out soon enough.

"Daniella?" Demi snapped me out of my train of thought. "Yes mommy?" She sighed. "Let's go to home baby," I grabbed her hand. "You must be tired." I nodded and followed slowly behind. "Yes," I mumbled. "I'm tired."

We walked out of Grandma's house with Sofia, Nick and the twins in tow. We hopped in the car and drove off. Once we had arrived home, I ran straight to my old room. Demi obviously following. "Ella? Can I come in?" When I didn't reply she opened the door. "Ella baby, don't shut me out please. I'm here to help." And then it hit me.

"M-Mom i-it hurts!" I cried hard. "She's gone!"


I couldn't stand it anymore her cries were breaking my heart piece by piece."Please make it stop!MOMMY!" She gasped for air, crying harder. "Daniella please calm down." She shook her head hard. "It's not the same!" I grabbed her closer to my chest. "I'm sorry Dallas. It was my fault." She cried. "No princess it wasn't your fault, please stop crying." She sniffed hard and grab ahold of my dress. It was scrunched up in her tiny fists, that were now red. "Go to sleep baby. I'll be right here." I whispered in her ear softly.

"P-Please d-don't leave me momm-my."

"I won't,promise." She nodded once again before shutting her eyes. "P-Promise." She mumbled before falling asleep.

Anonymous (Cady)

My name is Cady Bethany Rivera. I'm the anonymous person that was staring at the back of Sofia's head. Sofia Anabelle Rivera. My older sister.

She left me but she promised she would be back. She lied! I waited so many years for her, but she didn't come back.

She always told me it was always us two against the world. I hurt but she doesn't care. I'm lost but she doesn't care. What kind of older sister is she? Mom would be so angry that she left me on my own. But she's gone too. I have no one but myself.

I'm sorry Anabelle, I let you down. I broke the promise again. I'm so sorry.

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