Chapter III: Frozen Raindrops

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Hugging himself by the fire which served as the only source of light in the room, he felt no warmth radiate throughout his body.


His thoughts crept up to him like a monster lurking in the shadows, frightening him and raising his anxiety.

"You've just gone and used your fears for ill."

The psychologist's voice echoed in his head.

"Your destructive fear...of failure."


In the dark and dilapidated room, he sat all alone, lost in his thoughts.

"...and now you're truly all alone..."


"...the newly elected Faridean president today is announcing a complete change in government handling in order to provide better services which is expected to start with the unbearable blizzard affecting much of the country. News is still being thrown around from all sources concerning the actual intentions of the president..."

The cold chills of the frozen rain made him cling to his fur jacket, his gloved hands shaking from the cold.

"...I thought that they'd be there for me..."

Walking slowly towards the bed, he tried to shake off the cruel thoughts.

"A little too insensitive for your taste?"


"...most likely the large levels of empathy manifested itself as apathy. Keep that in mind..."

The blizzard never seemed to stop.

"...perhaps your thinking of him makes you justify the trauma that he had yet to undergo. Now...why is that?..."

Tossing around his bed, he finally sat up unable to stand the cold.

"...she's stubborn. I grant you that but otherwise I see nothing else. She's cute, kind, strong..."

Looking out into the window, he stared out into the blizzard.

"...but you-you don't need to worry about her now that she's out of the way.."

A couple of people were walking out on the streets, five floors down from the apartment building, trying to get out of the cold blizzard.

"...they never intended for that to happen-it just did. And they were sorry for it too..."

He stepped on top of the window sill.

"...can you feel how cold your self-imposed isolation has become?..."

The attendant opened the door where the wind from the blizzard brought snow into the room. The window's curtains flew along with the wind quite rapidly because of the open window.

Looking around the completely empty room, the attendant simply closed the window and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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