A Running Start

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The Ticking, it won't stop.
Why won't it go away? What does this thing want with me?

My eyes begin to open, but only till they're half-lidded. My vision is blurry and I just lay there for a moment, trying to focus on the ceiling above my head. I repetitively blink in an attempt to see the detail of the textured finish, but I can only see it faintly, patterns shaking back and forth just a little.

For a few moments, I am left to stare, unusually more tired than usual. I turn my head to my phone, squinting before I turn it on, so I am less blinded by the light. I press the button, the light shining on my features. I quickly move to turn down the brightness which was all the way up, simply because I'm too lazy to turn it down before I got to bed. I then look at the time, only to realize that it's currently 6:30 AM. But why? My alarm is set at 7:15, not this early. I swear I heard my alarm and maybe pressed cancel on instinct again. (Even if I ended up going back to sleep various times last year because of it.)

But the thought of it didn't make any sense. I don't have any alarms that early. I only have one, and it won't be for another 45 minutes.

This ticking is getting to my head.

Which reminds me. I can still hear it, even though it only happens at night. I bombard my mind with other thoughts, but it only gets louder and louder, silencing everything else in my head. I decided to not think too much for a bit, and only focus on the ticks.

They're not stopping.

And laying in bed isn't going to do anything, so I sit up, stretching my tired muscles and letting out an overdrawn yawn. I slowly get out of bed, standing up and heading to the shower, lazily pushing the curtain out of the way, making sure my fatigued body doesn't fail me as I do so.

Usually, a lukewarm shower is a pleasant experience, but the constant sound of this clock is doing its best at messing with my sanity. The fact that I had more time to clean myself up wasn't helpful, either. (Even if I did end up taking advantage of it.) Another completely different problem is that I STILL don't have enough time for a long enough breakfast. It's now 8, which means that I have to get to class in just 30 minutes, and it's not like I'm actually close to my school.

Who said my life was full of conveniences?

Well, anyway, I go ahead and open my cabinet, reaching for the off-brand cereal, tossing the half-full bag onto the counter, running to get the milk from my fridge. I sigh once I see the amount I have, which is barely enough for even half a bowl, but of course, I'll have to make do.

I didn't realize how much food I would actually end up having in my system. It isn't a lot, but it's not like I always have the time to eat in the mornings, so I'm pretty lucky I guess. Even so, I don't have time to ramble, I'll probably be late for school. (Even if it has happened more than once. But it's not like I don't care about my attendance and such.)

I grab my school bag, heading out of my apartment. I immediately begin to sprint, ignoring the feeling of the bag hitting my back multiple times. At least the contents I have aren't that heavy, it allows me to actually make use of my speed.

It's also something I should be thankful to have.

I go faster, trying not to trip over my feet.


I knew this school would be big, but God, it's pretty fucking huge. It's looming over me, and I just can't wait to see the thousands of students.

That was a lie.

It's scary, the fact that I'm now coming to realize just how many people I might end up being with. There are people in the building, and in the surrounding area, either talking to friends, doing something they shouldn't (Already) or heading off to enter the school itself, which is something I should be doing, but the anxiety that's rushing through my body is getting to me.

But I also don't want to look like a weirdo.

tick, tick, tick.

I soon enter the prestigious building, hugging myself as I step in. I would be surprised at the low amount of students both in and outside of the academy, but once I look at one of the school clocks I see that it's three minutes till Homeroom, and I'm not even close! So of course, I begin to run as fast as I can, ignoring the sudden rise in volume of my usually empty thoughts, slowly lifting up my lowered head from the change in speed, only to quickly slam into a really hard wall.

That... Moved?

I slam into the wall, but my arms, knees, and feet are the only things that hit it, most of my body also hitting something else, which made the noise of what seemed like a grunt, but it didn't feel like a human body.

Not at all.

I look up, disoriented from the sudden jolt of pain rushing through my body, blurry vision preventing me from seeing what's now in front of me.

The sound of an alarm rings in my head.


and the only reason why im able to do it at school is because we're supposed to be doing a project but FUCK that project man

But it's about to end soon so if i don't update at all for a while it's bc i HATE typing on my phone and i can't really get on other devices

I'd do it on paper before i put it on my phone but im so disorganized to the point where keeping these papers and writing on paper is a burden in itself, i hate not typing or writing with a rlly good, smooth pen

inconveniences everywhere

Oh, and also, enjoy the cliffhanger bRUGH

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