My Pack and Peace with North

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Shifting back to human after squeezing through a little gap in the trees I came into the center of a perfectly circle clearing with a small lake in the center, the trees were so tightly interwoven it was hard for even me to get through and I was the smallest known wolf, barley the size or a normal wolf. Running over to the lake letting my reddish hair float behind me and the long grass tickle my thighs, jumping in I felt it cover my head and I could feel my pack trying to locate me but I had covered my sent with Wolfsbane and I blocked them from my thoughts. This was my spot and I wasnt going to give up my freedom. resurfacing I same to the center of the lake and puled myself up onto the tiny floating dock I had made when I was younger, no matter how much I tried to tan my milky skin stayed the same pale and delicate color.

A sharp growling noise reached my ears and I looked up where it was coming from and saw a perfectly white wolf stareing at my at least a houndred feet still from me, his muzzle and near his eyes was scared and I looked around. There really was no way I could swin fast enough any direction to get away from him unless he came into the water first, I watched him jump out of the tree and chage mid way so he landed on the malls of his feel and strated to stride toward me, "Princess!" He bellowed and I flinched away before plastering a smile on my face, Tyler looked pissed. "You know your not allowed to leave the castle until after the peace treaty with the North kingdom is resigned, the King is furious you left!" I doubted Grandpa had noticed and I knew Tyler wouldnt have said anything to him.

"Let me swim! Its no fun in the castle and if you guys had just went to the Nomans land a month ago it would be signed but you guys refused on it wouldnt seem proper because you guys are supposed to trade years of whos territory its signed on" I whined back and stayed on my dock, he growled at me from the shower and I kept my eyes on his face. Whenever werewolves shif unless wearing specially charmed clothes they always reformed naked. "Dont growl at me! Your the ones who push it off and push it off and Im the one stuck in the castle!" I yelled at him and suddenly I jumped into the water as soon as he rushed toward me, Knowing I was fater then him, because he was near fifty by now, I shifted the minute my limbs touched soild land started to run. I could deal without the lecture.

Unexpectdly I was knocked to my side and I looked up to see a large gray wolf, he was bigger then even grandfather. The wolf tried to command me, like  any alpha could, jumping up from under him I glared at Tyler who came to stand beside me, You could have just said they were almost here. I snapped through our link at him and he gave a wolfish shrug in reply, behind the large wolf I knew to be the evil king of the North I saw to simarly sized wolfs, one sandy color the other pure black. Instead of listening to the wolf as he tried to command me and Tyler to yeild to him and jumped into the nearest tree and carefully manuvered until I was out the other side, Tyler followed I heard a great bark of outrage and snikered.

YOU CANT JUST LEAVE! was the strong voice in my head blocking him I carefully made my way back to the castle as fast as possiable, my pack was the fastest in the four nations and I was faster then all only matched by Tyler. I wanted to reply back but the glare I get from Tyler keeps my mental mouth shut, When I got home I shifted once I reached my room on the top of what use to be a scouting tower, abandoned when the castle was inlargened. "Bath, dress, thrown room!" was Tylers command before he left my room, Smiling I accepted it because he was my 'dad' sense I never knew my real dad.

Cleaning up I quickly dressed in a soft teal undercoat (yes, for some reason formal occeasions are like the 17-1800's with full puffy dresses) and a dark bronze one on top, it was sleveless and revealed the intricate bronze embrodiary on the long and wide sleeves. My dress was at least long enough to cover my bare feet, walking over to my dresser I brushed out long thick reddish locks and then placed my broze band atop it. It slid down to my fore head and fit snugly, I was bronze because only the King was gold and the Heir silver and I couldnt be the heir until all four nations excepted me or I gained my mate. So I was bronze, meaning I was heir unless someone worth silver who can earn it first appears.

Padding barefooted to the thron room I waited to be announced because apparently just walking in was rude, Tyler has scolded me many times on my 'Unelegant' behavior', "Announcing the enterance of Princess Robilyn Angel Jewel Great, the Red Wind of the south kingdome and Leader of the future, the Daughter of gypsies and commander of the great South Military." The young gaurd announced. It was so embarasing having everything great about you, and your not so great middle names, thrown out there for all to know.

"Princess Robilyn?" Came the confused voice of King Lupus while talking to my Grandfather, King Alfred. His boys looked at me in shock when I came through the doors, it was a rare sight to see me in public out side of when I escaped meaning even to formal balls in other nations I wasnt allowed to attend, it was grandfathers way of protecting me. Blue was still almost sickly pale and her dark eyes appeard darker and hir hair now reached his waist, now 18 both boys were grown and very matured, Lucas was still gold but buffer and his hair was cut short in a modern surfer style. The viking king as I still thought of him, even though King ALfred looked much the same way, Stared at me in pure shock and anger. "You have kept her from us?" he demanded turning to my Gradfather.

Gathering up my skirts revealing my slim bare feet I walked head high over to him, "He didnt hide me, I chose to stay away from your kingdom, the other High Alphas know." I state calmly, "I visted your nation 12 years ago and it was enough for me, rude trackers killing my parents, a brutle king trying to force me to touch the mirror of Fate, and two little princes taht honestly couldnt feel my link sense I tore it away from all of you and then the wonderful Fatherly gaurd who helped me here knowing that the trackers her trailing the supposed heirs to the South King. No, sir I didnt not like your kingdom so I have kept my self away." Feeling strong, confident, I projected understanding, loving, feeling and even he couldnt break from them. I didnt remove free will just didnt allow him to get anger until he thought about it and nodded once relaxed I removed my control on his emotions. Anger welled but he side nothing.

My grandfather smiled approvingly at me and I nodded back, "She lies father, We knew. We just didnt like the idea of you forcing anyone to stay under your control. And sense yesterday was our birthday and we were accepted by all Nations we are the new alphas and you cant harm us." Blue said calmly Lucas backing him up, Looking around I noticed the gaurds did wear new unifors instead of the solid red with black stars on it they wore solid black with a gold sun. THe Old king followed the new ones for one year as advisor but has no powers or control. Agian her face contorted but this time it was shock, "And might I say Princess Robilyn, it is good to see you agian" He smiled and Lucas drapped his arms over his brothers shoulders.

"Youve only gotten cuter my dear" over the years both Blue and Lucas had become overly charming it seemed but my heart pounded and I laughed, "What is funny?" Lucas said with a mock serious face and I could sense taht both kings, were fond of the banter. Even Old Lupus respect the peace between us.

Stepping down to their level I bowed to them and they in turn stuck out the palms for me to put my hand in so they could kiss. Putting both my hands at once in their I gasped, It hurt so bad, fire ripped through me and tears rolled down my face through the blur I saw the boys look of anguish as well. Fainting I hit the ground, It was only moments but when i woke Tyler was above me keeping even King Alfred away from me. "You ok hunny?" He asked me and I nodded to him face down, I was scared no matter how much I tried I couldnt block the twins from  my mind.

"Daddy... I cant make them go away!" I say finally, grandfather knew that Tyler was my father figure but all three gasped at my revalation. I didnt want to believe it just like the boys but there was no other explanation, "Please tell me it cant be true" I whisper.

The twins stared at me with the same shock, "Mate...MINE!" the hissed and growled at Tyler how growled right back and I did to causing them to step back. Fighting their instincts to claim me then, Calming down they looked at the kings, "Its becasue we are twin ALphs Alphas?" ANd the grown adults nodded, I sat confused.

"NO!" I yelled, "NO! I dont want to mate I dont want to and How! can I mate them and still be Queen here!" I screamed and the kings flinced at my anger.

Pulling me to him Tyler started to hum my song, the one he made for me, "Darling, there have been planty of Queens and Kings like that. See Your grandfather is mated to the Queen of the east. They had a few sons for each side to keep both sides going. You dont have to give up your rights baby" he said to her gently after he finished sining to her.

"We can wait, we cant have to mate now..." "But I want to..." the boys said at the same time their eyes downcast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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