Chapter 20

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AN: Finally heading towards the nitty-gritty of this series! Two new characters to meet and they're not quite what you'd expect, hopefully~ Anyway hope you enjoy!


Chapter 20:

When Drayce and his guildmates entered the labyrinth, Drayce noticed that there appeared to be quite a few novice explorers loitering about. They lingered mostly in the western side of the staircase. Either checking out the fishing point, gossiping about the sealed door, or admiring the beautiful lush scenery. Perhaps all three at once.

It was good to see that other explorers were in the labyrinth as they made their attempt at the first mission on their own. More explorers meant more money filtering back into the city. It was a good thing.

And yet a part of Drayce felt a little wary. More people meant less chance for him to pull out the Moon Legacy without possibly arousing suspicions or interest from others. He also worried that the bandits may use the wandering explorers to their advantage to blend in. He may just be a tad paranoid, but he thought it would be better safe than sorry.

Well, nothing he could do about it.

"Morning, Virgil!" Drayce shouted his greeting as he waved a hand toward the guard.

Virgil immediately looked up from his chickens and a genuine smile spread across his lips. "Ah, good morning," he greeted warmly when Drayce and the others stood before him. "Another day in the labyrinth?"

"That's right," Drayce answered before he felt a familiar tug and glanced down to find that familiar chicken once again picking at his shoelaces. "Good morning to you, too, Deloris."

Virgil chuckled as he bent down to scoop the lively chicken into his arm once again. "She's certainly taken a liking to you," he said with a sense of humour in his voice as he allowed the hen to sit in the crook of his elbow. "How are you progressing with your first mission?"

"Haven't completed it fully yet," Drayce admitted with a shrug. "Been a little...busy, you know? The map is coming along great, though, and we managed to snag a sapling, so I like to think we're progressing nicely."

"Oh, good," Virgil said as he nodded his head idly. "Hoping to gather the soil sample today?"

Drayce nodded his head. "That's out goal. Need to do things by the books, right?"

"Yes, that is very true," Virgil replied around a small chuckle. "It's good to see that you're so dedicated."

Drayce granted him a smile as he glanced around to see a few more guilds roaming around in the background behind the guard. "A few rookies roaming about, I see."

Virgil idly glanced around as well as he nodded his head. "Oh yes, there's been an influx of them lately," he said as he glanced over at Drayce only for his gaze to flicker to look over his shoulder. "I best get to work. I do wish you good fortune for today."

"Thanks, we'll be sure to make it out in one piece so don't worry," Drayce said in return as he set about stepping aside to allow a new guild to speak with the friendly guard. "Hopefully we won't have to play the hero again."

"I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate to step in again if the need arises," Virgil said with a smile.

"Yeah, won't turn our backs on anyone," Drayce said as he motioned for his guild to move with him. "We'll catch you later."

"Virgil seems as content as usual," Kamali commented lightly as they head deeper into the labyrinth.

"He does," Drayce agreed before musing to himself. "I guess that means he hasn't seen anything suspicious. Not that he would be able to notice too much when dealing with those new guilds and not to mention his chickens."

The Treasure Seeker: Saga 1 - Etrian Odyssey 5 Fanfiction (BoyxBoy/BL)Where stories live. Discover now