Chapter 15: Moeru kōri Vs Kyodaina gaikoku no akuma (part one)

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2 years ago....

"Well... it's come down to deciding who's going to the tournament." Hisashi Igou said, snapping me out of the daze I was in. Looking up from my kneeling position on the floor, smoothing our the large gi that I was ordered for Karate.

Man, I hate when he talks about this...I thought to myself, watching Hisashi pace the floor. Hisashi isn't a bad guy, but I wish he didn't bring up this damn thing every day...

As if he could hear me, Hisashi turned his head, looking at me. "Quinton. No more excuses. You either fight a match today, or I'm kicking you out of the club." A wave of murmurs swept the room as the kids seemed to consider the thought of me out of the club. Some seemed to actually seem upset at the idea, something I found comforting, but the rest of the kids were actually pleased with this suggestion. After all, that would mean less competition for them.


"Who the hell am I fighting?" I asked, grumbling as I stood up, looking down at Hisashi, keeping my hands tucked behind my back. I knew I was taller than Hisashi, hell, I knew from experience that my size was the only thing I could beat him with. He had time, experience, and technique.

Not to mention he's a fucking black belt. I thought to myself. He'd probably snap my leg if he wanted to.

It wasn't Hisashi I had to worry about though, because my opponent stood up, smoothing out her gi, and making my blood run cold. "This should be fun to watch." A guy said to my right. "Two gaijin going at each other's throats like wild dogs."

Katya Rivera... standing five feet four inches tall, she may not seem like much of a threat, but don't underestimate her. Her size makes her much more deadly in a fight, allowing her to duck in and out of combat. For her style, she's got a type of brutal air to her, always dragging her opponent to the ground c and nearly snapping their arm or leg off, making her opponent scream for a referee to pry her off. She does this all with a cold fury, which earned her the appropriate nick name of "Burning Ice."

The worst part? About a week ago, she was my friend. Now.... she's my opponent.

"If you beat her, you can stay with us, and come to the comp." Hisashi said, walking me to the mat that would serve as my grave. "If you lose... Well... you can at least stay."  If I'm still able to walk. I thought glumly.

Stepping onto the mat, I bowed my head respectfully to Hisashi, before bowing to Katya. Her eyes never left me as I stood there, my arms tucked into my sides, my hands held up in a defensive position. "Remember: pull your punches, keep your kicks in the body... and don't kill each other, Okay?" Hisashi told us, looking between us with a stern glare. I nodded , watching Katya, who was visibly bouncing on the balls of her feet, looking anxiously to kick my ass.

Looking at Katya with a faint nod, Hisashi motioned for us to begin.

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