Chapter 20: Checking in

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"So... this is the place?" I asked, blinking up at the building. "Yeah...are you sure you want to do this?" Saya asked me. "We could easily go to a pharmacy... grab the supplies there." "As tempting as that sounds... a pharmacy would be a little bit more dangerous. This would be a better bet than going deeper."

'Plus... I don't wanna walk past that damn dead baby again.' I thought, handing Saya my katana.

"Remember what I told you... and try not to cut anything important, Okay?" I told her, looking her in the eye. Getting a nod in return, I slowly pushed open the door, holding out the gun Hirano gave me. "Stay right by me, and we'll clear this building in no time." "Right." She replied to me. I noticed that Saya was quivering slightly, but I didn't want to draw attention to it. Continuing to walk down the darkened corridor, I noticed we passed the waiting room, where old, half eaten bodies lay, some still holding the crutches they used in life.

Damn... you think your man's gonna need that? The voice asked, genuinely curious. Keeping a mental tab on the body, I tapped Saya on the shoulder.  "We're gonna need meds." I whispered. "Well, where should we check, fearless leader?" She snapped quietly back.  "Umm... third floor. We can work our way down from there." I said, getting a nod in response.

(Later, after 20 minutes of climbing stairs...)

"Ugh... now what?" Saya asked, once we exited the stairwell. "We start from this end, and work our way across the floor... don't make a sound, and we will both make it alive." "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Quin." Saya grumbled, watching me take the lead. Ignoring her, I poked my head in the first room, and immediately found a unused  Iv bag.  "Perfect." I whispered, tucking the bag into the gym bag I had. "Now.... where are those damn meds?" I hissed to myself. 'Probably in the same place as your dignity... non-existent.' "Ya know, I think I got a perfect name for you." 'Oh? Do tell.' The voice asked, a amused tone in its voice.  "I'm gonna call you  Tengu." 'Tengu, eh? Alright, whatever.' Tengu said, making me roll my eyes, and continue.

'Now... I need a splint.' I thought, spotting the desk that was required for every floor in a hospital.  "Ah... this should help." I laughed quietly, digging though the drawers behind the desk. "Car keys... wallet... ew, a condom. No thanks... ah! There you are!" I quietly exclaimed, holding up a hand drawn map of the hospital floor. "Damn... no meds on this floor." I muttered, noticing that the supply closet was on this floor. Following the map, I found myself at the other end of the room, standing in front of a line door.  '50 yen that you're gonna find a dead body.' Tengu said, making me roll my eyes, and grab the door handle, only to find the door locked. "Damn...  this is gonna suck." I muttered, looking around. "Why did it have to be a metal door.." Kneeling down, I grabbed a small knife from the side of my leg, and started to work at the lock, trying to slide the latch on the inside back.

'This is pointless.' Tengu told me, making me growl a little. "Shut up, Tengu. I don't need your input." ''No, but you can't get rid of me, can you?' He asked me, making me growl, before I managed to open the door, snapping my knife in the process, and cutting my hand open. "Damn..." I growled, holding my injured hand to my chest.  Grumbling,  I opened the door, fighting the impulse to yell when a zombie appeared in view. 'Damn, damn damn...' I thought, backing up as the zombie  approached me. 'Caught with your pants down, didn't you?' Tengu chuckled, making me growl slightly. Looking around, I saw that in the closest behind the zombie, I saw a pole that was broken off, and covered in blood.

God help this dumb fool... and god help me..

'Quin... whatever you're thinking... don't.' Tengu told me. "I'm gonna do it." I told him, diving past the zombie, wincing from the impact of the tile floor, and rolling into the closet. 'Make one joke about this, and I'll kick your ass.' I told my unwanted guest, grabbing the pole and ramming it into the eye of my attacker.

"Quin! What happened?" Saya asked, running to my aide. "Some idiot locked himself in here when he got infected.. just check for some kind of bandage or something."
"There... it's not like Ms. Shizuka, but it'll have to do." Saya told me, finishing my hand's bandage. "Just.... take it easy." "Thanks.. any medicine in the rooms?" I asked, wanting to hear from her. "No... it's not here." She told me. "Figures... we gotta move. Our time here just got cut short by that damn zombie." "Right... let's go." Saya told me, standing up.

"Let's go.."

(To be continued!!!))

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