Another New Kid?

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"Wow the amusement park was so fun." Johan said sitting in his desk. I nodded and smiled. "Everybody!Can I have your attention. We have a new student. His name is Young, Jiho." Our teacher said. He looked at everyone and grinned.

"Sit next to Bora." She said pointing at me. He sat down and smiled. I turned to the board in stead of smiling back. Johan looked at me to make sure Jiho wasn't going to pull any stunts.

Of course everyone acted as if he wasn't  there because he was a ugly shrimpy boy. All the girls actually paid attention in class since there was nothing much to look at.

~Time skip and Y/n POV~

"Hikaru give me back my lunch!" I screamed. I ran past people in the hall. As soon as I caught up with Hikaru I tackled him to the ground and grabbed my bento.

"Thank you Hikaru." I said stepping on him. Out of nowhere Kaoru grabs my lunch and runs off. "Ugh." I groaned as I chased after him. We went in the lunchroom as put him in a headlock.

"Are you going to do this again senpai?" I said smiling. He shook his head. Gossip started spreading quickly like butter spread on bread. I shrugged and sat with Bora and Johan.

"Wheres everybody?" I asked. "Euntaek met some boys and Ahyoung and Jaemin are in the garden." Bora said. "Ok." I said. Hikaru and Kaoru came to the table weak and scared.

"Sit down." I fake smiled. They shook their heads and sat on the floor.  "I'll feed you." I said cutely. They sat down next to me without hesitation. I fed them both as I fed myself.

As I fed them, a shrimpy boy walked over to our table. "Can I sit here? I have nowhere else to sit." He said. We all nodded. He smiled and sat next to Kaoru. "Hi Jiho." Johan said. "H-hi Johan." He shyly said. Me, Hikaru, and Kaoru were confused. "He's a new student on our class." Bora said.

I looked around and saw many places to sit. A shy chubby kid came up to us and looked at Jiho. "C-come sit with us." He stuttered. Jiho nodded and went with him.

"Oh well. I guess he went with him." Kaoru said with his mouth full of udon.  "No talking with your mouth full!" I yelled. He gulped it down and shut his mouth. I patted his head " Good boy."

They smiled as the bell rang. "See ya." Bora said leaving with Johan. I waved and walked off with Hikaru and Kaoru.

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