A sore loss

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"Freddie! How could you do that you could have been disqualified!"
Florence yelled at him.
"I didn't think they'd catch me no one did the last time."
"This is not you living and playing in Brooklyn anymore! This is the world championship not just a game against your friends. I can't believe you would have the nerve to try and do this you should be.."
"Will you be quite already! Yes I know what I did but let's admit that it was worth a shot."
"I can't believe you think this was funny. How do you plan to beat the Russian?"
"I have a few ideas but let's talk about them somewhere else."
Freddie and Florence went back to their hotel room.
"Ok what's your plan?"
"Have you met his wife?"
"Yes she sat next to me today. She's very kind for a communist."
"Have you seen how he plays when she's around?"
"When she is there supporting him he gets better every time he looks at her."
"What if we make them fight or worse. Then his career would be destroyed due to his private life. It's perfect!"
"And how do you plan on doing this?"
"When's the next time we face off?"
"In one month in Bangkok."
"Perfect. After the match I will get him you keep her out of it. Make her believe that you and her are friends then we will destroy them."

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