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Thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed the story! I'm sorry if you didn't really like the way Peter acted on the boat, but like, I wanted to change it up a little. I wanted to have him show some deep emotion that he probably had hiding in him.

Also, did you notice? There's 7 chapters in this book. There's 7 letters in the word Dunkirk. Shook. Jk that wasn't planned at all like I legit noticed that when I was finished writing this fanfic lmaoooooo.

Anyways, feel free to comment what you thought of the book and hit me up if you are as obsessed with the movie as I am. No joke I've seen Dunkirk more than 10 times. :,)

Also, check out my other fanfics and stuff that I've written! There's lots of cringe to go around!

See y'all!

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