apple's on drugs

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Pots_and_Pans: yo doc

betrayal: never call me doc again

Nardie: okay doc

Pots_and_Pans: anyway

Queen_of_Evil: anything you say doc

Pots_and_Pans: aNYWAY

Pots_and_Pans: doctor did you help create the iPhone

betrayal: a bit

Pots_and_Pans: specifically the calendar???

Pots_and_Pans: because i can go back to 200 BC

Pots_and_Pans: and im still scrolling

Nardie: yeah didn't you make that for your dates with Cleopatra

betrayal: no that was river

Pots_and_Pans: river made the iPhone?

betrayal: no

betrayal: she went on dates with cleopatra

betrayal: no clue why its there

Queen_of_Evil: no I made it for my dates with Cleopatra

Pots_and_Pans: has everyone here gone on dates with Cleopatra???

betrayal: i havent

Queen_of_Evil: nardole

Queen_of_Evil: have you gone on a date with Cleopatra

Nardie has changed their name to cleopatra's side chick.

cleopatra's side chick: its possible

Pots_and_Pans: doc

betrayal: why me

Pots_and_Pans: we should both date Cleopatra

Queen_of_Evil: why date Cleopatra when you can date me

cleopatra's side chick: who was that directed at

Queen_of_Evil: everyone excluding nardole


betrayal: you broke bill

Pots_and_Pans: i am but a simple lesbian

Pots_and_Pans: one who dies when pretty women talk to her

Queen_of_Evil: awww

Queen_of_Evil: you think im pretty

Pots_and_Pans: no i dont

betrayal: would you like me to bring you a shovel

betrayal: so you can finish digging that hole for yourself

Pots_and_Pans has changed their name to the dumbest lesbian.

the dumbest lesbian: this is treason

betrayal: hA

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