we all love crack

469 21 7


Queen_of_Evil has renamed the chat to Drug Vault

Queen_of_Evil: come to the vault, we're doing crack

cleopatra's side chick: doctor I'm disowning you

betrayal: we're not doing crack

betrayal: we're eating fun dip

the dumbest lesbian: so you mean youre doing crack

Queen_of_Evil: exactly

Queen_of_Evil: we have the one that changes color

cleopatra's side chick: but why do you call it crack

the dumbest lesbian: it has so much sugar it should be

betrayal: no????

Queen_of_Evil: it's because of how you eat it

the dumbest lesbian: explain

betrayal: okay so

betrayal: you put the powder in lines

betrayal: then you lick the powder off the table

the dumbest lesbian: no??

the dumbest lesbian: you use the stick to eat the powder

Queen_of_Evil: thats what its used for

betrayal: that makes sense

Queen_of_Evil: im still doing it my way

the dumbest lesbian: no youre not

the dumbest lesbian: Im coming over there

the dumbest lesbian: gonna teach you how to really do crack


cleopatra's side chick: Im suing all of you

cleopatra's side chick: which of you thought it was a good idea to steal a maserati

cleopatra's side chick: and then go to Scotland

the dumbest lesbian: we didn't steal it

the dumbest lesbian: it was from the tardis

Queen_of_Evil: which means it was probably stolen

cleopatra's side chick: hows doc doing?

the dumbest lesbian: he's passed out

Queen_of_Evil: couldnt handle the hyper vodka I got him

cleopatra's side chick: you'll be driving back soon

cleopatra's side chick: wont you


cleopatra's side chick: WONT YOU

Queen_of_Evil: relax

Queen_of_Evil: we're just waiting for doc to wake up

Queen_if_Evil: he's the only one with a valid drivers thingee

the dumbest lesbian: drivers license

Queen_of_Evil: thank you

cleopatra's side chick: okay

cleopatra's side chick: im going to come pick you up

betrayal: wait no

betrayal: nardole im awake

cleopatra's side chick: i'll see you soon

PM between the dumbest lesbian and Queen_of_Evil


the dumbest lesbian: who doesnt have a password on their phone

Queen_of_Evil: idiot time lords

Queen_of_Evil: where should we go next??

the dumbest lesbian: I know a place that sells victorian dresses

the dumbest lesbian: its not too far from here

Queen_of_Evil: lets go

Drug Vault


betrayal: Nardole you idiot they stole my phone

Queen_of_Evil: get a password weakass

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