sure love dead birds

327 17 4

the dumbest lesbian: ohhh is nardole afraid of birb

cleopatra's side chick: shut ur mouth

betrayal: do i want to know

cleopatra's side chick: no

the dumbest lesbian: yes

betrayal: i trust bill more

the dumbest lesbian: okay so

the dumbest lesbian: you know when you left the lecture hall

betrayal: yea

the dumbest lesbian: so chester

the dumbest lesbian: you know chester right

betrayal: unfortunately

the dumbest lesbian: so 5 seconds after you left the room

the dumbest lesbian: he stands up and waves around this bird

the dumbest lesbian: everyone starts freaking out

the dumbest lesbian: so then he's like no dont worry its fake, it squeaked

the dumbest lesbian: so then nardole comes in

cleopatra's side chick: I will pay you to stop

the dumbest lesbian: and Chester waves the bird in nardoles face

the dumbest lesbian: AND HE SCREAMS

cleopatra's side chick: IT WAS A DEAD BIRD

betrayal: wifuxbwoc

betrayal: wait didn't you say it was fake

the dumbest lesbian: turns out it wasnt

the dumbest lesbian: we brought it to biology and had a dissection

the dumbest lesbian: very real

cleopatra's side chick: are we even now sir

betrayal: you are forgiven

the dumbest lesbian: okay gtg

betrayal: why

the dumbest lesbian: i have a date

cleopatra's side chick: ?????

betrayal: w   o   w

the dumbest lesbian: dont act so surprised

the dumbest lesbian: anyway bye

cleopatra's side chick: this is a shocking development

betrayal: certainly

cleopatra's side chick: do you think it could be the shapeshifter girl???

betrayal: nah

betrayal: i need to go too

PM between Queen_of_Evil and betrayal

betrayal: are you okay????

betrayal: that story is what you live for

Queen_of_Evil: im fine

betrayal: nope

betrayal: im coming over in 5

Queen_of_Evil: pizza??

betrayal: what century

Queen_of_Evil: this one

betrayal: be right there

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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