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Work wasn't bad during the week Matt and I had to put what happened behind us. I was still a little hurt. I needed to forget about. It's Thursday and I head to the break room and right before I walk in I hear Colin talking to Matt in the break room.

- Colin: Dude thats so cool that you've known her that long."

- Matt: "Yeah here look at this picture."

He hands Colin his phone. What picture is he showing Colin.I walk up to where they're standing and motion for Colin to hand me Matts phone. I look at the picture. It's me on Matts back after I won a Tennis match when I was thirteen. I spent time with him since his mom was good friends with my mom before she died. I smile as I look at the picture.

- "You still have this picture after all this, I honestly thought you would've deleted it."

- Matt: "You still have that picture from when you were like eight."

I cross my arms and pout. Colin starts to laugh and I look over and glare at him. God I hate being laughed at sometimes. My phone starts to ring and it's Ashley. I pick up the call.

- "Hey Ashley, wat het jy nodig?"( Hey Ashley what do you need.)

- Ashley: "Natalie en ek gooi 'n partytjie en ons wil hê jy moet kom." ( Natalie and I are throwing a party and we want you to come.)

Colin and Matt are staring at me confused. They don't know what language I'm speaking so it's expected that they're confused.

- " Seker, kan ek 'n paar vriende bring?" ( Sure, can i bring a few friends?)

- Ashley: "Ja, wat is hul name?" ( YEah what is their names)

Oh god I really need to ask the guys first but oh well. Okay I know I'm gonna take Matt and Lisa. Maybe Colin, and I can ask him to bring Adam.

- " My vriende se names is Lisa, Colin, Matt, and Adam."

- Ashley: "Okay bye."

- "Bye."

Matt locks like he had just seen a ghost and Colin's eyes are wide. I raise a questioning eyebrow at them. Oh god they act as if they've never heard someone speak in another language.

- "What?"

- Matt: "What did Ashley need?"

I smile I remember that Ashley and Matt knew each other. I just shake my head.

-"She invited me to a party do you guys wanna come?"

- Colin: "depends, when is it?"

My phone dings notifying that I have a text.

Its Ashley and she said "The party is tomorrow."

- "It's tomorrow."

- Colin: "Okay I will ask Adam if he wants to go because I heard his name, it was one of the only things I understood."

I smile and go to get some coffee. I can't wait to see Ashley and the rest of my friends back home. I look over at Matt he nods and smiles.

On Friday I head back to my place to get ready. I get a text from Lisa. "Hey sweetie what should I wear." I reply to her "A dress but make sure it isn't to nice." I start to get ready myself. I throw on a black dress that is tight up top but has a flowing skirt. I put on a little bit of make up on and curl my hair. Someone knock on the door and i head to answer it while putting my two inch heels on. Matt, Colin, and Adam were standing there. I smile at them.

-Matt: "Hey Lisa is in the car we though we all might as well drive together."

Matt is wearing his usual clothes, ripped black jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket along with a black beanie. Colin is wearing blue jeans and a black shirt which isn't what he usually wears but I just ignore that fact. Adam is wearing his hat he wears when preforming,and the rest of the things he wears while preforming .

MattOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora