Nothing more nothing less

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Recap from " the barn" chapter
"I was expecting his lips to touch mine, when I felt them on my forehead. He took a step back and chuckled"

I look at him in disbelief as to what he just did. To think I am trapped in a barn with the boy I use to like, and frankly still do a little, and he just kissed my forehead. I want to slap him, but also kiss him. So many feelings are rushing in at once. I feel heat on my cheeks rising up.

"What? were you expecting me to kiss your mouth" he says smirking.

I just wanna rip that smirk right off his face.

" NO! You ass hole why did you do that"

"You looked really disappointed"

"I was not disappointed! In fact I was disgusted"

"Why are you blushing then"

"Any girl would feel flustered if...someone...did that"

"Did what" he said coming closer to me again. Causing me to back up and hit the wall

"Uh..kiss them on the forehead randomly, that's just weird"
He came closer and cornered me to the wall again. He leaned into my ear and whispered

"Give up on me, cause I'll never like you that way, but we are friends and i will only treat you as a friend, nothing more nothing less"

His voice sent shivers down my spine, until I pushed him off and yelled, "oh believe me Playboy, I'll never like you that way, ever! don't have to worry, and also I'm glad we can be at least friends"

I ran out of the barn, and it surprisingly had stopped raining, I ran out and sprinted back to the cabin.

I see hyun jung and aliyah talking to Johnny "why the hell are they talking to that creep"
I thought to myself. I walk up to them cautiously and say hey. "What's up guys"
"Where were you" aliyah asks

"I'll tell you the whole story tonight"

I look up at Johnny and give him a little smile. "God he is really making me cringe right now"
I think to myself as I quickly look away from him.
I take a quick glance at him and he is still staring at me. So I quickly turn away.

"Rena!" Hyun jung says snapping me out of my thoughts


"Me, Tyler, aliyah and Johnny are going to check out the cabin, wanna come, we heard they have ping pong"

God i love ping pong, and if Tyler's going I think I might go!"

"Sure I'll go"

As of right on queue Tyler shows up. "You ready to go"

He says while looking at me in confusion

"Didn't you go talk to K, after that whole break up thing"

"Um yeah" I said blushing

Tyler looked at me with a glare and just replied with "um..okay"

I could feel his gaze on me the whole time we were walking. I couldn't stand it so I turned to him and asked him "what happened to mason and Madison"

"They got suspended for fucking on a school trip, they won't be back for a while"

"Wow that's good"

Hyun jungs POV

Rena looked so uncomfortable while we were walking, Tyler was throwing eye daggers at her while it looked like Johnny was eye raping her. I don't know what happen with K but it must have been pretty juicy.

"It's good that they got suspended" I say to Rena

"Yeah I don't have to worry about Madison and I have a room to myself"

"Yeah now you can have k all to yourself" I say with a smirk on my face.

Johnny looked pissed and so did Tyler, if this continues and K turns out to like Rena then we will have a weird ass love triangle. I am up for that!

"Hyun jung! I don't like k anymore" Rena shouts as we walk into the ping pong and game room.

"Wait you like K?" Tyler asked

"Well she use to like him for seven years ever since like third grade actually" aliyah added

"Damn that's sad, how come he never told me" Tyler asked.

"Well I gave up, so It doesn't matter anyway" Rena said while picking up a ping pong Patel

"Let's just play ping pong" she added

"Actually me and Aliyah have something to do" I said as I grabbed Aliyah's hand and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing hyun jung, I wanna play ping pong" aliyah whined

"Shut up, we have to do something" I added

"Where are you going!!"
Before I could answer Rena me and Aliyah run away. I like starting drama and this is one way to do it!

I smirk and watch them through the door window "if things get out of hand, I'll stop it."

"Your evil"

"Maybe this is a way to get K jealous so he can see what he's missing, leaving Rena in a room
alone with guys who want her is a good idea" aliyah said

"go try and Get k to come down here so he can see this!!" I say pointing at aliyah

"Oh boy this is gonna be fun" aliyah said.

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