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(Jungkook's account)

Jungkook: have you listened into it?

Lisa: :)

Lisa: i have already

Lisa: for like? 30×? I dunno...haha

Jungkook: how was it?

Lisa: neomu jo-ah (i really like it)

Lisa: speechless

Lisa: but...

Lisa: there's one thing always comes to my mind while watching and listening to it

Jungkook: mwo? (What)

Lisa: Deep

Lisa: BTS is deep

Jungkook: :)

Jungkook: i don't know if it is a compliment or what but i'll take it as one

Lisa: hahaha!

Jungkook: so what are you doing now?

Lisa: i am with dalgom

Lisa: even though he hates me so much i'll still love him

Jungkook: i think dalgom hates pretty girls

Lisa: are you trying to make me feel overwhelmed? haha

Jungkook: sort of

Lisa: Jungkook...

Jungkook: ne lisa?

Lisa: i don't know how to say this but...

Lisa: i really feel empty...

Jungkook: empty?

Lisa: indeed

Jungkook: and why would you?

Jungkook: aren't you happy?

Jungkook: then listen to 'Euphoria' again haha

Lisa: i'm serious...

Jungkook: mian-hae (i'm sorry)

Jungkook: what's the matter lisa..

Lisa: this is illegal

Jungkook: what?

Lisa: this...all of this

Lisa: we talk like

Lisa: i mean

Lisa: i mean we talk too much

Lisa: even nonsense things

Jungkook: yes we talk nonsense things

Jungkook: what's the problem with that?

Lisa: this is out of the contract

Lisa: we can't socialize with others...mostly in boys...

Lisa: even bobby knows that

Lisa: aren't you afraid? You have the same rules with us right?

Jungkook: yes

Jungkook: girls or boys it's still the same

Jungkook: yes we have the same rules

Lisa: then why?

Lisa: i mean..

Lisa: this isn't natural for both of. ...women and men to.... like

Lisa: u know what i mean...

Jungkook: what why lisa?

Jungkook: you're a special friend of mine

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