You healed me

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Pov Dipper

I'm in school and I'm kind of hiding from everyone one. I'm in the library because no one goes here, but me. I was sitting by myself and I took of my hoodie for once.

The symbols on my arms are still their, it helps me slowly heal. My black eye is gone because it, which is amazing. Now their still the bruises and small cuts because of the demons.

I realized with my hoodie I look more weak and without it I kind of look stronger. I don't know how to explain it.

I heard the door creek open and I quickly put back my hoodie. I look at the door and see Paci-fire, Will, Pyronica and Bill.

"We haven't seen you since yesterday, it's third period now." Paci-fire said.

They start to walk in and the one that notices was Bill and Will. 

"What happened?"Will said.
"Nothing and it's not that bad." I said.
"Oh I see it. " Pyronica said.
"Who? " Everyone went quite when Bill said.

Everyone took a step back. I see them hide behind the table, I'm scared now. Pyronica, Will and Paci-fire eyes widen when this happened.

He kneeled down and place his finger under my chin. He looked at my face from different angles. I somewhat flinched when placed his hand over my cheek.

"You can tell me anything." Bill said with a gentle smile.
"I-It was right after you left." I said.
"W-What?" His eyes widen.
"I got a text from my sister to meet her at the auditorium. Gideon stole her phone and texted me that. When I got their he came up to me and then two other demons." I paused.
"They just started to do this and use their abilities as well. I didn't want you guys to know because it wasn't a big deal to me." I said.

Bill placed his forehead on my shoulder.

"You're stupid for not telling us." Bill said.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to worry." I said.

Bill then sat down next to me and looked at them hiding behind the table.

"Why are you guys hiding?" Bill said.
"Aaaa.... " I was confused as well.
"You're like a ticking time bomb when you're mad. I'm surprised you didn't go boom." Will said.
"Let's not ask questions." Paci-fire said.
"He's right." Bill said.
"Alright." Pyronica said.

They all sat down near me. I was kind of overwhelmed by this. The only people who really cared about me when I got hurt was Mabel. I just wanted to be the bigger person in this situation.

"Wait, where is Keyhole and Eight-ball? " Paci-fire said.
"Keyhole is sick today and Eight-ball got in trouble so he's in in-school suspension. " Will said.

I noticed that Bill was playing with a tiny flame, or what Mabel calls it a baby flame. I looked at the small flame and Bill looks at me, I smile and give out a small chuckle. 

"sana eum. " I heard someone whisper.

I start to feel better but like usual my body still feels weak. I heard someones phone ring, it was Pyronica's phone and she picked it up. 

"Hello?" She said.
"No." She said and hanged up.
"What was that?" I asked
"It was some random guy." She said.
"What did he say." Paci-fire asked.
"He said 'He's not what he said he is.' and then it was just breathing." I said.
"What does that mean?" Will said.
"It's like in those movies, some random person calls someone and then gives you a message about a close person to you. In every movie it's the person you think you know, but you really don't. " Bill said.
"You think so?" Will asked.
"Sometimes it's just a message and ends up being a wild gooses chase." Pyronica added.
"That's also true." Paci-fire said.

I had a dark and empty pass threw my body and then a bad feeling in my stomach at the same, it felt weird. Then I get the sudden realization that the person is talking about me, about how I'm hiding my- SHIT! Someone knows about my secret. This isn't going to end well from me.


I'm at home and Mabel burst into my room and showing me what one of her friends showed her. It was just some video and it wasn't such a big deal to me. I was just someone doing something stupid online.

"Dipper can you come down here for a minute." I heard Stan said.
"Coming?" I said.

I got up and went downstairs and Mabel followed me, I see Grunkle Stan. He looks at me and then seats down.

"I was meaning to ask you something?" Stan said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Is their anything else I need to know what the whole demon thing?" Stan asked.
"Nothing much, It's just my emotions that makes me lose it sometimes." I said.
"Alright then, just wanted to make sure." Stan said.

I went back up stairs and then decided to fall asleep early. I realized that my bruise were gone, at least Ford hasn't been here for two days now. He goes up and doesn't show up for days and then comes back with the most odd things. That message is still bothering me.

"He's not what he said he is"

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