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Pov Bill

It's Monday which is the worst day of the week, but for me it's not. My uncle Tad has been questioning me about Pinetree. I told him that he wanted to keep demon side a secret until he gets comfortable with the whole thing.

Will and I are at school and he regrets everything. Since I was being the responsible one for once, I didn't have to worry. You know what was the crazy part? Everyone went to class. I mean everyone. It was strange to me. Today was extremely hot, I mean everyone was wearing shorts or skirts and dresses. Pyronica always wears shorts because she likes to run around.

When I'm walking to my next class and we're in 6th period. One more class until we go home. I see Pinetree wearing his sweater. He's fucking insane for wearing his sweater. I walk up to him and smiled at me.

"It's hot in this school and outside and you're still wearing your sweater?" I said.
"No matter the weather this stays on." Pinetree said.
"Aren't you hot? I mean of course you are." I said trying to be flirty.
"I'm dying but I'm not taking it off."  Pinetree said.
"Come with me." I said.

We went in to the male bathroom and no one was inside here.

"Take it off." I said.
"You're keeping me in the male restroom until I take off my sweater." Pinetree said.
"You're insane keeping that sweater on." I said.
"I know, but it's not coming off." Pinetree said.
"Please I don't want you to die of heat." I said while placing my hands on his hips.
"We can make a deal? " Pinetree said.
"Alright." I said.
"I thought you can do it because you know me." Pinetree said.
"I'll keep your sweater until the end of day and to make sure you're keeping I'll hold it. If you break the deal I will carry you through the hallways." He eyes widen as I said the past part.
"Fine. I don't want to be carried." He mumbled.

He gave me his bag and took off his sweater. He was wearing short sleeves. He looked more innocent than before, but at the same time stronger.

"You look adorable." I said.
"S-Shut up." Pinetree blushed.
"You have marks on your arms." I said.
"Other reason why I don't take that off." Pinetree said.
"If anyone ask there tattoos." I said.
"I know the drill. " Pinetree said.
"Bye baby." I said kissing his forehead.

Pinetree grabbed my collar and looked me with a smile.

"No baby." He said.
"You look so scary but so cute." I said.
"Pinetree only." He said.
"Alright." I said.

He kissed my lips and I kissed him back. We spreated and he smiled at me.

"Let's go." He said.

We left the bathroom and went to our classes.


It was the end of the day was we all meet up near our school rock. The school always has this little rock, the seniors write their names on it. I was holding Pinetree's sweater.

" Why do you have Dipper's sweater." Paci-fire asked.
"He was trying to wear it all day, so we made a deal." I said.
"I'm surprised he didn't die from heat exhaustion." Keyhole said.
"I wonder where he is." Eight-ball said.
"He's probably just late." Will said.

We see Pinetree and we lots of guys around him. One of them crossed the line, they tried to kiss him.

I walk up to Pinetree and they all look at me.

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