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Monday, June 12th, 2017 || New York, New York

Brooklyn's POV

I was standing stage-left and waiting for my name to be called.

"Brooklyn Edwards! She will be attending The University of California in Riverside!"

I smiled as I walked on stage to recieve my high school diploma. I shook his hand, smiling into the crowd, spotting my mom and my brother smiling and clapping.

I walked off stage, diploma in hand and stood next to my bestfriend, Stephanie. We sat down and then waited for the graduation to be over.


I met up with my mom, brother, Stephanie, her parents and her two younger sisters. Everyone was going out to eat so we decided to go to Stephanie and I's favorite resturaunt, The Flora Bar. When we got in there, we were greeted by our favorite waitress, Amelia.  Amelia was only a couple years older than me so we were really good friends.

"Hey guys! How was the grad?"

"It was amazing, I'm just glad that I made it through high school."

"Me too. I'm happy for you. Come here."

She pulled me into a hug and held me tight.

"Promise me something?"


"Don't let this be the last time that you see me before college."

"I promise."

"When are you leaving?"


"Yeah, don't let this be the last time you see me because you know, California isn't just around the corner."

"Yeah I know and plus I'll facetime you and everything so no worries."

"Alright, go eat love."

I hugged her once more and then joined everyone at our table.

"So, Miss California, are you excited?"

"I'm excited, nervous, terrified, sad, everything."

I looked at Stephanie and she had tears in her eyes.

"You girls are so dramatic, you guys are going to universities that are literally 2 hours away."

Our food came out and then we laughed and started eating. We had this plan for to bring Stephanie her surprise car. I had to go get it out of the parking lot before we left, so I had my brother call me and "take it outside" and then they all came out and see the car.

We were almost ready to go and it was time to bring the car. My brother called me and my rose gold iphone 8+ started ringing. I told them I had to "take this call outside" so I got up and walked out. I grabbed the keys out of Amelia's bag and went to find the car. It was a Black Chevy Tahoe with the letter 'S' balloon on it and when I found it, I got in and drove it to the front. They were all coming out and when Stephanie saw, she started crying and jumped up and down. Then I stopped the car and got out. Stephanie ran to me, jumped on me and hugged me tight. She kissed my cheek and told me to get in.

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