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Sunday, August 11th, 2017 || New York, New York

4:30 AM- Brooklyn's POV

I struggled to get out of my bed while repeatedly smashing the snooze button. Unfortunately I had to get up or else I'd be stuck in New York. I got up and went downstairs to make pancakes but when I got down there, my brother had already beaten me to it. I went upstairs to get changed and when I got up there, all I wanted to do was lay back down. First, I brushed my teeth and washed my face and then I changed into a long sleeve shirt, black leggings and white converse. I put my hair into a somewhat messy bun and called it a day. I went downstairs, ate my breakfast and then came back upstairs. I laid down and waited for everyone to come.

As I was dozing off, the doorbell rang and I was wide awake. I grabbed my backpack and everything I needed and walked downstairs. I hugged everyone and then we got arranged and left. We took Stephanie's parents SUV which fit all of us and our stuff.

Once we reached the airport, everyone piled out of the car and we checked in. We got all of our stuff taken and put on the conveyer belt. We then went to TSA and got checked. Everyone had to get checked and then we were on our way to our gate. Stephanie and I ended up going to Starbucks and getting our drinks and everyone else's. We paid and then went back to our gate and gave everyone their drinks.

Then we waited for 2 whole hours (taking naps in between) for our flight to board. When it finally boarded, I was so excited to get out of there and on this airplane. We got on and we all had seats together. The plane was about to take off and Stephanie and I were in the two-seaters When the plane took off, I plugged in my headphones, turned my music on and went to sleep right on Steph's shoulder.

2 Hours Later || Oklahoma- Brooklyn's POV

I felt a harsh landing and then I instantly woke up. The plane landed and we had one more flight. We got off the plane and made our way to our second gate. The plane was boarding in 20 minutes so we had to find something to eat quick. We all ended up eating chips and snacks and then we were boarding. While we were standing in line, I noticed Stephanie kept looking at someone.

"Bronx, why are there always so many cute guys in the damn airport?!"

I smiled and then told her to get her ass on the plane. We got out and we were back in the two seaters. This time, I thought about university and then I dozed off again while "Wild Thoughts" played in my ear.

2 Hours Later || San Diego, California

We got off the plane, once again and headed towards baggage claim. We got all of our bags and dragged them to the van that was taking us to the beach house. We got in the van and then took 15 minutes to get to the beach house. Once we got there, we dragged our stuff out of the van and put it in our own cars. After everyone was settled in their rooms, we decided to go get something to eat.

While we were looking for a place to eat, Stephanie was getting to know San Diego, considering she was going to be living here for the next 4 years. We found a place called 'Urban Solace' which sold comfort food so we all went in there. We sat down and we all stared at Steph to see what she thought of San Diego.

"It looks nice. I'm gonna be fine."

It was now 1:00 and we decided to eat and then go back to the beach house and rest.

7 Hours Later- 8:55 PM- Stephanie's POV

I was laying in the bed right next to Brooklyn's bed when I got a text.

convo: 1 (858) 427-1382

1 (858) 427-1382: Hi! My name is Hannah and I'll be your RA.

dorm 310. || college storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon