Chapter 3 - The Agreement

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I sat on the edge of my bed, covering my eyes with my hands, wondering what I had done to deserve my fate. Had I killed someone? Starved a third world country? Started WWIII?

Not to my knowledge.

I lay my back on the tangled sheets that still smelled like Jacob with a groan, willing myself to go to sleep. It had been the worst Saturday in the history of the world because I only had three months left to be a virgin.

Like I said, worst Saturday ever.

My eyes smarted horribly. The tears that I had shed last night, combined with the lack of sleep, left them dry and sore. My arm still hurt and my lips felt swollen.

Could I even go to sleep? Now that I knew what lay in store for me?

Sam had interfered at the last second, managing to save me from Jacob and a butt-load of pain, but only temporarily. I suspected that he only stepped in to save Leah, really. As soon as Jacob had started to take my shorts off she had attacked him. She was in wolf form and he was still in in human, but he had still gotten the upper hand.

I winced, remembering the encounter.

A growl shot through the clearing as Leah charged Jacob, still on top of my frozen body. He had turned me over and had been about to remove my shorts. As she reached him he grabbed her by the scruff and heaved her across the small space. She crashed into the trees, Jacob starting towards her, still in human mode, when Paul growled threateningly at him.

Paul and Leah had been pretty much best friends since they were kids, never advancing past that stage and content for it to stay that way. They never dated, only hung out, and never got jealous if the other one had a girlfriend or boyfriend. Paul had even gone through a stage where they both had boyfriends and Leah was perfectly fine with this.

She accepted him even when he had been gay, however temporarily.

In a way, I guess they were only friends because they could put up with each other in a way that no else could. She was frank and sharp-witted, almost to point of insulting, and he was as sarcastic as the day was long and dumber than a board. He teased and she retaliated, he tripped, she punched. It was almost as if they showed their affection for the other by fighting and knew that, no matter what was said, it was never honestly meant.

They just laughed whenever people told them that they should become more to each other; they were happy in their relationship and didn't want it to change.

I knew all of this from just observing it as a human and it was only confirmed when I saw it in their minds.

They were living proof that opposites attract and if there was one thing that the big-mouthed jerk hated, it was to see anyone to physically abuse his BFF.

"Shut up." Jacob snarled at the silver wolf. Paul's mouth snapped shut with a click but the hair on the back of his neck remained up. He struggled against the gag that Jacob had put on him and started forward.

I wondered what he would be saying if he had been human. Probably none of it would have been below a rated-R movie.

"Stay were you are." Jacob shouted, running towards Leah as she struggled to regain her footing. Paul froze in place, watching them with panic on his wolf face. As Jacob neared her a shiver ran down his spine and I realized that he was about to phase. I tried to cry out but Jacob's order even applied to my mouth. I knew that if Jacob could do that to Leah in human form, she stood no chance against him when he was in wolf mode.

He phased into the russet brown wolf and was charging her. The order hadn't just been directed at Paul. He had meant it for everyone, even Leah. I could tell she was panicking as he came closer to her.

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