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Karma and Nagisa bought a picnic blanket and lied under the stars. The moon shone down on Nagisa and Karma blushed at the boy's outfit. "You look..." he stopped himself from speaking, knowing it'd embarrass the crystal blue eyed angel.

They hung out and lied down together to watch the stars, relaxed. They made small talk here and there, until Nagisa spoke.
"1A.M?! Mom's gonna kill me," Nagisa sat up in a rush.

The redhead got up and pushed Nagisa down, frowning. "Akabane?" Nagisa asked, blushing lightly. "I don't want to be alone tonight. I'm tired of being alone," the taller boy admitted.

(N)"I can't stay with you."
(K)"Why not?"
(N)"You're a criminal. Mother's expecting me home."
(K)"I'm not gonna hurt you."
(N)"You're pinning me down right now."
(K)He let go and lied next to Nagisa, looking at him, "Don't go."
(N)The boy turned to face Karma as the moon shone down on them, "What a good guilt tripper. I can't though, Aka-"
(K)"Karma," he interrupted, "Call me Karma. I'll change my ways for you, Nagisa."

Nagisa, without warning, pulled Karma into a passionate kiss lasting only a few seconds. Karma kissed back and closed his eyes, but when he went to hug his arms around Nagisa, he was gone. Karma was left alone.

Again, Nagisa and Karma hadn't seen each other often. It'd been three weeks since they'd hung out together.

Karma stopped over a few times for Nagisa to give him bread, but he'd avoid eye contact and leave right after.

The Shiota had started to regret the kiss. He regretted leaving Karma as well. He lectured himself constantly.

'He can't even face me anymore... I'm so sorry, Karma,' he thought.


Karma's POV

I had a mission. I was a criminal. I couldn't let my emotions for Nagisa-kun affect that. I had orders to follow now, and those orders were extremely unsafe to be around Nagisa with. I was sure he thought this was all his fault, but he was clueless — and I couldn't explain it to him, for his safety.

I shouldn't have kissed Nagisa-kun back. I shouldn't have let him know I was lonely. I shouldn't have told him I'd change my ways.

I would've... But I couldn't. I was in debt.

I worked for the most wanted criminal in the world. His past, unknown. Some thought he mutated himself to get the power of speed he had. No one knew his motives, besides the fact he was the most dangerous thing alive. He could move at the speed of mach 20. The world came to know him as Koro.

People guessed that Koro wanted to take over the world. His "clients" were held close under watch so that they didn't spill out any information on the business whatsoever.

Recently, I beat one of Koro's best clients, Itona Horibe, in a fight. We despised each other, so he told me if he were to win I had to quit working for Koro. As much as I would have liked to quit, there were rules in place for the clients of this criminal business. There could be no witnesses; if we were to quit, Koro would have to assassinate us.

My response to this terrible offer was two words,

"Three grand."

The room of clients gasped and turned to face the two of us. They circled around us and Itona nodded. He was surprised he lost, since I was seen as the runt of the litter in the business and he was top class. After that, on the other hand, it all changed. I was at the top, alpha of the pack. I was now successful but busy.

Unfortunately, betting between clients here was against the rules. The penalty was being under more intense watch for years. I also had to get Koro back the three grand I got from Itona. I'd given that three grand to others I was in debt too, but now I was in debt to Koro. Koro only, but that didn't make it much better.

That was why I couldn't be around Nagisa anymore. I couldn't tell him anything or explain, he and I would be assassinated. I couldn't lie, I cared for him and I knew it. I couldn't be seen with him because they'd use him to blackmail me into worse things. The only solution I could come up with, was to not be with him. It hurt every night.

How did I start working for Koro in the first place? Well, my neglecting parents went on a trip to America. They never cared for me but I missed and loved them. They never came back. I saw in a newspaper they'd adopted a new son and made a life for themselves there. I was left alone, without the means to survive on my own. I was 14, an eighth grader in my third year of middle school. There, Koro walked into my life. He made me a deal; I work for him, he provides for me.

It was...
The worst...
Mistake of my life.

I practically gave myself to him without a second thought. Desperate for care. Longing for love. The need to feel consumed me whole.

Now, I had finally found someone who cared for me. Shiota Nagisa. I couldn't get him off my mind! Ever! He was always there. It hurt so much.




Nagisa made me feel something. Something I had never received, never understood. I'd never had this before, but with him I could.

However, I was Koro's pawn. Unfortunately, he could use me any way he wanted. I just needed to leave Nagisa for a few years. After, Koro would lay off watching me, and I'd be able to be with Nagisa again.

And that's exactly what I did.


3rd POV

Akabane inhaled deeply and looked back at the town he was exiting as a gust of wind blew through. He imagined Nagisa smiling happily. He recalled the memories of their few hang outs together. He thought up how they met. The red head exhaled and gave a cheeky grin, lightening his mood.

"Good bye, Shiota. May we meet again.." the boy paused, turning around and beginning to walk away. "Soon."

And with that, the golden eyed male was gone — without so much as a farewell to the one who loved him.

A/N It took me 8 whole days to write it! I hope you enjoyed! Pretty heart breaking chapter, eh? Sad but you got to understand this plot better. You got to see Karma's side, story, and thoughts a bit! Now think up all your questions! Comment them, build theories and philosophy with one another! Speak and communicate in comments! Feedback? I'm all for it! Thank you for reading, stay safe! Next chapter will be out soon!

Sorry for any auto corrects or spelling errors along the way

Published April 12, 2018 - 9:40pm

Criminal With A Heart ~ KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now