1. First meeting

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Imagine the cabin to look a bit like this, only a tad bit bigger!
(Edited: 22/11 - 2019)

The breeze floating around me felt amazing as i sat on a stool on my porch, the night sky looked almost magical out in the woods, free of the city light pollution. 

The feeling of finally being free was amazing.

I had lived in my house for a week or so, and so far it was all going smoothly. Second hand furniture was placed around my house, a distressed red leather sofa that i simply put a blanket over to cover the tears sat in my living room that was connected to my small cosy kitchen. Usually i would sit there reading, or lay down there for a nap. It already felt like home, and that was something special to me, since i never really had a home before.

Small things were placed around here and there, like scented candles, flowers, paintings i had bought and some other things i had bought just for the heck of it. Ah, the joy of buying a painting that said 'if you don't take off your shoes before you walk in - i will shoot you.' There on the bottom of it was an American flag with a gun. It was on sale!

And don't forget my second hand rugs! Even if they were old, they were in a pretty good condition. The warm colors complemented each other, with the dark brown oak flooring that was already installed when i bought the house. To be honest, i didn't really have many things that were vibrant - only earthy tones and warm colors. 

The house - or should i say cabin, was a two story one. I didn't even really have a staircase, i just used a ladder that i secured to the floor instead of a staircase. It didn't look the best, but you gotta do what you gotta do when you're on a budget; though i didn't really enjoy having to climb down it in the middle of the night because of my nightmares. The tea afterwards made it all worth it though.

I would usually sit on my sofa drinking tea, humming along to some classic jazz tunes. It was really relaxing. 

But not today, i decided to do things a little differently than usual so i decided to go sit outside instead. I wrapped my knitted blanket closer to myself as i pondered and thought about things, such as how i could decorate more in my house or if i should use that discount code when i go grocery shopping next time, was it already expired?

Right when i was in my zone, i heard a pained moan. I sat up straight, immediately alert. Thoughts raced through my head.

Who was there, and was he alright? 

Standing up i run back inside only to get a lantern, i light a match and set the candle stick on fire so i had a source of light. When i finally arrived outside i heard another pained moan, it seemed to come from my right. 

So i decided to slowly walk there, wincing here and there from my bare feet walking over stones and pine cones. My blanket clutched around my shoulders tightly in one hand, while the other one was holding the lantern forward. And there it was, a hunched figure standing, or more like slouching against a tree.

I stop walking for a second before deciding to cautiously walk to towards the person. As i come closer to the hunched figure, i can't help but notice the light blue sheen of light that surrounds it. Finally i'm around one meter way from the person, so i ask,

''A-are you alright there mister?'' It was a man. His head snaps up, and even if the flickering light from the lantern didn't shine much, i could already pick up that he was very handsome.

''I can't find my brothers, i need to know where they are!'' The mans eyes were desperate as they searched mine. His breathing heavy. ''Please tell me, have you seen eight other men wander around in this forest?''

His voice was gruff and scratchy because of disuse. But it didn't sound mean, nor bad. I could only describe the voice as baritone which was actually quite calming.

''No, i haven't. I'm sorry. I just moved here, but  you can stay at my house while you search for your brothers- but that's only if you'd want.'' The words flew from my mouth before i could stop them, people always said i was too trusting. Even though his voice didn't seem to hold ill intent, how could i know if he was meaning to kill me in the middle of my sleep or not? 

''You'd do that for me? Thank you.. thank you so much.'' I could see his eyes were shining a little, maybe it was the light, or maybe they were tears. Sitting up, he walked closer to me. He let out a few calming breaths, and seemed to cheer up a little.

''So, what's your name? If we're going to be spending time together we should probably get acquainted with each other at least.'' He smiled lightly.

''My name is Sang.''

I said and started to walk back to my cabin, waving to him that he should follow me. Now that i got a closer look at him, i could see he was shaking a bit. I frowned and handed him the blanket.

''Take it you're probably freezing cold.'' He shook his head.

''I couldn't possibly take it. That wouldn't make me much of a gentleman would it?''

''Take it!'' I insisted.

The man shook his head again before i stared him down, forcing him to accept the offer, and wrap the blanket around himself.

''I'm warm enough, see i have a warm sweater.'' I pulled a bit at my sweater to show him.

In the distance i could already see my cabin. Home.

I walked the first steps up to my porch then opened my door. He walked through, smiling at me.

''Thanks, my name is Victor. Victor Morgan.''

Sang's cabin in the woodsWhere stories live. Discover now