6. Memories

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(These are all memories to before she has met some of the boys)

Karen, Oliver, Jade and me were besties. We would do everything together, eat ice-cream, cry over celebrity crushes when they started dating or when they walked away from their bands. Laugh at funny cat videos, scream at video games. 

We'd do everything.

But they didn't know what was going on at home. How my step-mother was acting towards me. No, they were completely clueless. They never noticed my bruises, my scars or the shadows hiding in the depths of my grass green eyes. Not that i cared, it just made hanging out with them easier.

I guess hanging out with them masked my pain, actually getting the ability to act like a teenager masked those things, or they just didn't care. 

I just remember in the second year of high school when they started getting distant. Jade started to hang out with Rocky and his group of friends, Karen started to distance herself from us in her sports and Oliver just ignored me. Secretly, i knew they were all hanging out with each other.

But why didn't they hang out with me? I used to think to myself. All kinds of questions started popping in my head.

I went from this sociable girl to this nobody in just a matter of weeks. 

I'd see them together at the movies, at the beach and everywhere else. 

(Fast forward to graduation)

I graduated, and that was that. Nobody was there to congratulate me, not even my three ex-besties. Not that i cared, i had lost all respect for them months ago. They left me without a reason, and that just made me dislike them even more. It was like those years of friendship was thrown away in a trashcan.

But one thing was clear, i had had enough of all of this. This town, these people, my family. Everyone and everything.

So i got a forged ID, grabbed my saved up money, packed my stuff, moved away and bought a cottage in a secluded cottage thousands upon thousands miles away from Charleston.


The rain was pouring. And of course i just had to be standing in it, in the cold rain. 

I was just about to enter the forest, the forest i had been in yesterday. In the forest i now had a cabin in, the forest that was like a home to me now.

But right now, soaking wet from the rain going in to a forest didn't seem appealing at all. So i took a shortcut the guy that had sold me that house told me about. The path i walked upon was narrow and thin, covered in stones and leaves that had fallen from the trees.

Dark. That was all i could see, the sun was long since gone and now it was night. Dammit! I swore to myself. Why did i have to get here so late? Ah yes, that guy who purposely stole my new bought umbrella. And oh so smart me decided to run after him, but that didn't work. I had lost 1 hour just chasing after some stupid robber that probably had escaped the second he could, maybe i was just chasing nothing.

I was about to take a another step when i immediately tripped over something. Screeching i try desperately to grab onto something, anything just so i won't fall into the mud. But alas, my luck was not with me. 

Sitting up i try to rub away at the mud now coating my face, but that just made it even more smeared. It seemed as if though this day was cursed.

I look back and see a suitcase just laying there. It was old and nearly destroyed but i felt like i needed to look and see what was inside of it. Maybe there were drugs? Paintbrushes? I honestly don't know. 

Knee walking over there i do my best to get the zipper to open. When it didn't i sighed. 

I stand up and grab onto the handle of the suitcase and try to get it up. I pull and pull and pull until it finally lifts off the ground. It seems like it was stuck. Well no shit, i think to myself and mentally slap myself.

I already had all of my stuff at the cabin, so just hogging this with me wouldn't be hard.


It took me 20 more minutes just to drag this heavy as a cow suitcase home. I haul the suitcase up the stairs of the porch and open the door with my key, only to throw the muddy suitcase into my closet.

The bed called me, was my excuse. So i fell asleep.

And forgot about the suitcase.

Not my smartest move, i have to admit now.

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