2. Lavender tea

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(Edited 22/11 - 2019)

I followed him into my home after he had entered. Lighting some candles in the living room i thought about why Victor was outside, who were his brothers and how he ended up in this situation. It was all quite confusing i had to admit. 

Was it a mistake to help him? No. He certainly didn't look mean. I couldn't have possible left him alone in a dark forest, what if he died there? Got eaten alive by a wolf?

Victor had already seated himself on the sofa with my blanket still wrapped around his shoulders, seeming more relaxed already than what he was outside. He was still a bit shaken, thin hands with long slender fingers tapping an irregular beat on his thighs.

Tap. Tap. Double tap.

I walked over to him and sat down beside him, my fingers nervously twirling a piece of my hair. He really was handsome, i thought to myself. Soft brown hair, and brown eyes containing a burning fire that turned into an inferno when he gazed up at me.

''So how did you end up in this forest?'' I asked him with a slight smile dancing on my lips.

''Ah, I don't really know, it's confusing me too!'' He sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back a bit, ''All i know is my name, and that i need to find my brothers.''

I put my hand on his arm trying to give comfort. He really was in a tough situation. Concern soon came to me along with many questions. Why was it that he couldn't he remember almost anything? And who were his brothers, and where could i- no, he find them?

''Well, you have me to help you now. That's an upgrade right?'' I brought my hand back to my lap. I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. 

Victor nodded. ''Indeed, thank you so much. I really appreciate your kindness to me - a stranger.''

''Hey, didn't you to start getting to know each other more? Aren't we already on a first name basis?'' I teased him and a lovely shade of pink seemed to appear on his cheeks. He averted his eyes nervously, hands clenching around nothing. 

''U-uh yeah..'' 

I mentally slapped myself. He literally doesn't remember anything about his past, and i'm here almost flirting with him, getting him all flustered. Plus, where did that confidence boost come from? 

''If you want i'll go make us some herbal tea? It's great for relaxing. I usually drink it before i go to bed, it makes me fall asleep quicker.'' But it doesn't take away my nightmares though. 

''Oh yes! I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you.'' He yawned a bit, but i didn't notice because i was already halfway into the kitchen that was connected to the living room.

I poured some water in my vintage kettle and placed it on the stove. Sure i had electricity, and a phone but that didn't mean that i would spend my hard earned money on things that weren't needed, such as a TV.

I stood there slightly tapping a song on the counter, i was so spaced out i didn't even notice Victor coming up behind me.

''Vivaldi. That's Vivaldi's song winter!'' He said more to himself than me, ''I remembered something..''

When i heard his voice i came out of my head, he knew about Vivaldi? and he remembered something too..

''I remember playing winter on a piano when i was a kid, my mother and father were there too. Or at least i think they were my parents, i'm not too sure.''

''Do you like the song?'' I asked.

''Yeah, i like i a lot. It's my favorite song, or i at least feel like it was my favorite song. Do you like it? ''

''Yes it's my favorite too! But i also enjoy other classical pieces.'' I gazed up at him from through my eyelashes. We shared a common interest! I got dragged away from my thoughts when i remembered the kettle and the boiling water.

''I totally forgot about the kettle, Victor can you look through the cabinets and fetch me two mugs?'' 

''It's the least i can do, princess.'' He had given me a nickname. A small voice inside of my head asked me if this was all going too fast, but i shook those thoughts away in a flash. 

But grab two mugs, he did. Good job! I mentally applauded him.

I open up my jar of lavender buds and poured a handful of them into a tea ball then i placing them inside of each cup, but not before washing my hands and turning off the stove first. I actually have lavender growing in my backyard to an old fence in the shadows, so it's easy for me to just to and harvest and dry new ones. Then i pour the boiling water into both mugs. 

''Victor can you find me two small plates please?'' 

He nodded to me and opened the cabinets to find two small plates. I only own small china plates that have beautiful flowers on them, the colors ranging from pink to blue, to yellow and lots of other ones too. Some of them had cracks, but i easily solved that with some epoxy glue i found in one of the drawers left behind from the last owners.

Placing the two plates on top of the mugs i smile to myself, i really do enjoy the smell of lavender. Now we had to wait a couple of minutes to let the flavors really infuse into the water, so we decided to play twenty questions. But mostly it was an one sided game since he didn't really know anything about himself, so he asked me questions such as whats your favorite colors, do you read, and what made you like classical music?

After the time had passed i took off the plates and put them aside, then i took our the tea ball with the lavender inside and threw out the lavender into the trash and put the tea ball into the sink. We both grabbed a cup and went back to sit on the soft sofa, having small talk here and there before both falling asleep.

Uh i'm so so so sorry for not updating sooner! I also wanted to thank you for reading this, i would have never guessed that so many would actually read what i write since i'm not the best writer out there. But don't worry, another chapter will be out soon again!!

Sang's cabin in the woodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora