Ch. ii- Not Today, Maybe Tomato

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You were explaining to the squad the events of the past two hundred and almost fifty years, with Laurens and Hamilton sitting on a two-person armchair, Lafayette, Mulligan and the other man (you still hadn't learned his name yet) sitting on your sofa, and Burr in another one person armchair across the room from Alexander's. There was a medium-sized coffee table in the center of the room, and you sat on a foot rest you had pulled up to it, facing towards the squad.

"Okay, let's start with formal introductions first. Hello, I am (y/n) (l/n). You are?" You said, turning to Alexander and John's chair, hand extended.

"Uh, Alexander Hamilton." He shook your hand.

"John Laurens." Handshake.

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. Just call me Lafayette." Handshake.

"Hercules Mulligan." Handshake.

"Thomas Jefferson." You paused briefly before shaking his hand.

"Aaron Burr. Pleased to make your aquaintance." You shook his hand last before sitting down.

"Okay, now we've been formally introduced. As for all that happened after you guys died, well," you pondered for a moment before listing things off, "Uh, slavery was abolished."

John gasped and pumped his fist in the air in victory, "Yes! I knew it would happen eventually! When did it happen?" He asked you curiously.

"It was like 1860-something when our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, abolished slavery.

"Anyways, another thing is women having equal rights." They all looked at you incredulously. You laughed, "Yup, that's right. We can vote, we don't have to just be married off, we can do jobs originally only for men, etcetera." They seemed to ponder this for a moment before accepting it.

"Lets see, what else... oh, medicine had gotten a billion times better, and technology is, like, super advanced. Um... anything else?" You thought for a moment or two, "Ah, that's right! Gay people. They're a socially acceptable thing now."

"Wait, really?!" They all asked at the same time.

"Yeah, really. Although, that's a recent thing. Really recent, actually. Like, just legalized two years ago recent."

They all hummed in thought. You started pondering all that the nation has been through in the past two centuries.

Then, you remembered dinner. You shot up from your seat and bolted into the kitchen, glad to see that the chopped vegetables had gone untouched. You put them on a burner and turned it on to medium heat, pulling out a pot from a cabinet and reaching into the refrigerator to get some raw chicken and set it on the counter. After grabbing a box of noodles and putting them in a pot, boiling them while stirring the vegetables. You drained the water and cooked the chicken in the pot, pouring the noodles back in and putting in the cooked vegetables. You add a bit of soy sauce and chicken stock to make the perfect sauce.

"What are you making?" You look over and see the six men standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching as you prepare dinner.

"This? It's a stir fry, it's just noodles, sauce, chicken, and some vegetables like carrots, onions, peas, broccoli, tomatoes, and those little tiny corns." You knew you made a bad decision when you saw the looks of pure horror on their faces. "What? What'd I say? Is it the mini corns?"

"D-did you j-just say t-t-tomatoes?" Lafayette stuttered out, making you realize your mistake. 'Right... people used to think tomatoes were poisonous...'

"My god woman! We've been here less than an hour and your already trying to poison us!" Alexander yelled, bolting out of the kitchen, followed in suit by most of the other men. You saw that both John and Lafayette had tears in their eyes as they ran off.

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