Chapter Five

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I wanted to scream with joy as I saw the skiff. Like a little miracle in this strange oasis it was small, only a six-seater, but its hull was intact and the wings were tattered but easily repairable. It was shaped like a mint green, rounded out triangle and sat behind a building that sported the embellishment 'Coring Room.' Its bay ramp was lowered and Frye could be heard inside already doing systems check and general diagnostics. I couldn't believe our luck.

Johns had put his gun away but still had a hand on it as he led me to the small craft. He had me walk ahead of him the entire way with my hands up as if I were suddenly going to lose my mind and attack with abandon. Actually that tactic works quite well if you have the element of surprise, but I wasn't about to empty his guts with everyone else hanging around. For the most part I avoided bloodshed and preferred not to kill unless necessary. I'm also pretty sure he just wanted to stare at my ass the whole time.

I had dropped my hands at the sight of the craft and hope soared within me. This changed everything. I swiftly approached and laid a hand on the hot metallic surface. It burned but the pain was refreshing and validating. No matter what, I was getting off this planet and this was my ticket home. I wanted to weep with relief and gratitude to whoever the fuck it was up there keeping us all alive and a wide smile broke through my face at the thought. The sensation never felt more welcome or wonderful. Johns seemed to read my mind.

"We just need five power cells from our ship to get her going," he said, nodding inside to where Frye was working. "Luckily they weren't affected by the crash and are still usable. We're going back to get them - Shazza found an old sand cat in one of the buildings that seems to run solar like everythin' else here. The rest of the group is stocking up on water for the journey. We found an old pump that's still working."

"Ah I see, so I can't wait with the car until you get back?" I replied sarcastically. Johns made an ugly face and stepped towards me, palming his weapon.

"As far as I'm concerned little girl, we're glued at the hip. You're not running off to Riddick again if I can help it and we need all hands on deck. So when that sand cat comes around that corner, buckle the fuck up."

Holding my ground, I bared my teeth and my large yellow eyes burned through the hot dry air. He hesitated, blue eyes uncertain.

"Just keep it up merc," I hissed softly. "All that energy you spend on trying to keep things under's messing you up. I can smell it," I inhaled deeply and my eyelids fluttered as a taste of his energy flowed into me. "You're trying to cover up your fear, your terror at the thought that you might not make it off this planet alive. But no amount of morphine is going to take that edge off. This I promise you."

The look that spread across his face was immensely satisfying.


I had never experienced being in a sand cat before and I have to admit that if we weren't all trying to save our skins and escape this fucked up desert, I would be more than happy to do it again. Claiming a seat in the back of the sand colored vehicle, I was beside the dome-encased solar blades that were spinning rapidly, fueled by the three suns above.

Jack was sitting on the other side of it with a rag, wiping it down frequently as dust collected eagerly on the glass. She was coping well with the situation. During the ride she talked about how Shazza had saved her and how nice of people she and her husband were. For a thirteen year old kid who just survived a severe crash on an alien planet, she was doing remarkably well. As I looked over her ragged clothes and shaved head I wondered if the life she was trying to escape was worse than the situation we were currently in. What would it be like if we did manage to get away? The thought pricked at the back of my mind like thorns.

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