Chapter Six

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The glowing blue neon tubes were wrapped around us like poisonous serpents, our only real defense against the starving beasts that swarmed in the thousands just outside. We were gathered around a small metal cart just by the exit of the section and doing last minute preparations for leaving the ship. The cart was loaded with three power cells as that's all that could fit, and they were secured with metal twine from the wreckage.

Bathed in bright blue light, Riddick strapped himself to the cart with rope and more twine. He was going to pull the cart behind him while Jack pushed and made sure the cells stayed secure. His posture and expression suggested he was about to embark on a day trip and his energies flowed calm and steady unlike everyone else's. Was he in his element, about to dash into the dark surrounded by enemies, ready to fight at a moment's notice? Not even a question.

Mounted with the cells was the power source for the light, a metal box about the size of a human head and twice as heavy. Riddick's load to bear was extreme and Jack, having gotten ready before anyone else, was spending her remaining time in the ship avidly gazing at him. She had volunteered for the position eagerly and considered it of extreme importance. If we all survived this shit storm, I wouldn't be surprised if she asked him to marry her. Touch of unwanted jealousy at that.

"I want light at my back but not in my eyes," Riddick said, adjusting the neon tubes around his firm waist. Frye nodded and Johns backed up a couple of steps with a smirk. "I'm going to be going one speed. Mine. If you can't keep up, don't try to catch up. If that happens do us a favor and leave the light behind."

Paris shakily adjusted his grip on the rope attached to the second last cell. He was splitting the load with Zeke, knowing he couldn't shoot a gun and would be helpless with a spear. Procuring his vermouth from the depths of his robes again, he took a few long gulps and made a sour face. Zeke smirked and took a deep draught from his water canteen.

"That'll kill you before those bloody monsters do," he said while Shazza smiled nervously. Paris didn't argue.

I was in charge of the last cell, as I was still strong enough to bear heavy load for at least a while. At one point I knew I would have to feed, and didn't really want to think about how I was going to accomplish that, but I shouldered my own cell with relative ease. The cells were around eighty pounds apiece, not light baggage, and Riddick was going to pull three behind him along with the entire power supply for our light.

In replenishing my energy, draining Johns dry was my first choice as he kept shooting me dark looks as if he were planning something. It was probably my imagination but if the merc was scheming up a plan to ghost me or anyone else, he'd be dead before his pretty face hit the sand. Unfortunately at the moment we needed his firepower if we were to get through the now jet-black desert. Perhaps there would be an opportunity to corner him out there in the dark and I relished the thought.

"Is everyone ready?" I called. My own blue tubes glowed brightly in the shadows, giving me hope. Murmurs of affirmatives throughout the group. Shazza and Frye gripped their weapons tightly and Johns aimed his gun at the door. Riddick nodded over his shoulder. Apprehension flew through me as Frye pulled the door's lock open with a metallic screech, letting in a gust of warm air but nothing else. I was glad to notice the temperature had dropped by at least twenty degrees and it was now comfortable to breathe.

Deep determination filled my core as we stepped forward in unison out into the darkness.

And what exquisite darkness it was. Even my reaper eyes, which could easily see through any normal darkness, were at a loss. This was fucking dark. It was like we had stepped onto an endless black plane where nothing existed but the sand and rock beneath our feet and the screams of monsters around us. Riddick walked steadily, leading the group that was glowing brightly in the night.

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