Chapter Seven: Revelations

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» Joey «

The boy standing in front of me was fucking gorgeous. /This/ was Shane's roommate? Lucky bastard. "I'm Joey." I introduced, smiling slightly. I wasn't exactly happy to be here but I wasn't going to be a dick to the guy who filled me in, either. "I'm Colin." He replied, grinning. He was British? I couldn't tell on the phone..

Tyler didn't come with me, he was back at the hotel. He wanted me to do this alone and so did I. "Our dorm is this way." Colin said, ducking his head as he began to walk. I got the impression he knew who I was.. and he was wary about it. I hated it when my past scared people off. Colin and I didn't have to walk long before we reached what I assumed was their dorm, and he stopped with his handle on the door. "I stayed with my boyfriend last night because Shane and Misty were too crazy for me to I don't know what we're about to see.." he said, tone apologetic. I just nodded. He opened the doors and the first thing I saw were cans of food and bottles everywhere. "Its not usually this messy.." Colin said, glancing at me. His cheeks were a bright red. "Its totally okay and obviously not your fault." I said, stepping past him to walk deeper into the room.

Stepping over tons of trash, I let out a gasp as I finally saw Shane. He was completely naked except for boxers, his arm wrapped around a bony girl who only adorned underwear as well. What the actual fuck, did they sleep together?! Did Shane cheat on me?!

"Holy shit." Colin muttered, wading through the mess in the room until he was next to me. "Misty." He demanded and the girl remained lifeless. "I know you're awake, I can tell, get up and tell us what happened." He spoke coldly and that's when Misty finally moved. Her eyes just flickered open and she sat up with a sigh, her purple hair falling around her shoulders. "We didn't fuck, Colin, we only kissed but he felt so guilty that he.." she trailed off once she noticed me next to her friend. "Shit you're Joey!" She exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands. "That I am. Now what's this about kissing my boyfriend?" I asked, in no mood to play nice. "Woah, woah, woah, we were drunk. I'm not going to drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness." She sassed, rubbing her eyes. "I'm too sleepy for this, damn." She uttered bitterly.

"Misty, sh," Shane mumbled, eyes twitching. "Shane." I called and his eyes flew open at the sound of my voice. "W-what are you doing here?" He asks, sitting up quickly, suddenly wide awake."I was worried about I decided to pay you a little visit...only to find out this bitch gets you drunk and makes a move on you." I growl, my jealousy through the roof and my anger boiling to the point of explosion. How could Shane? He's broken every promise he made to me. Every. Single. One. I'll never be able to trust anything he says again.

"N-no Joey, that's not what happened. She didn't force me to do anything, I chose to get drunk. I chose to allow her to kiss me. But I also chose to push her away. Can we just talk? Walk off campus or something?" Shane asked, nibbling on his lower lip anxiously. I just shrugged. "Let me get dressed and then we'll go?" He inquired and I nodded, spinning on my heel to leave the room behind. Shane's betrayal made me sick to my stomach and my world was spinning with all this newfound knowledge. I really didn't want to go anywhere with Shane. I didn't want to forgive him because I loved him. I didn't want him to be left off the hook so easily. Then Shane would get the impression he could keep screwing up and I'd tell him everything was okay. "Misty, you're staying here and cleaning up!" I heard a British voice command angrily. "Why are you acting like it's all my mess?! Shane did it, too!" The bitch responded, her tone furious. "Shane's not off the hook, okay! He needs to fix his relationship before anything though!" Colin yelled and I leaned against the wall outside of the door. What has Shane gotten himself into?

"This is all your fault!" Misty shouted, suddenly in my face. "If you wouldn't have waltzed into shit that has nothing to do with you, this wouldn't have happened!" She screamed and I sensed a lot of pent up anger behind her words. She wasn't actually this angry because of me but I still wasn't going to allow her to yell at me. "This does have a lot to do with me, in case you haven't noticed, Shane's my boyfriend! And you obviously knew who I was before you met me so you knew about Shane and I before you met him, so why press him to cheat?!" I shouted back, venom in my voice. I wouldn't let this bitch turn this all around on me when it seemed to be her fault. "You're so lucky I don't.." she mumbled, clenching her fists. "Don't what? Huh, what 'cha gonna do?" I taunt with a roll of my eyes. "Stop it, okay!" Shane shouted, coming between us. "Stop!"

"Asshole." Misty uttered, turning back around to enter the room. "Bitch-ass Skank-ass ho." I responded, smirking for I know she heard me. "Joey, please." Shane pleaded, gripping my wrist gently between his fingers. "Can we walk?"

"I dunno, Shane, can we?" I asked bitterly, my eyebrows shooting up. "Whatever." Shane mumbled, taking off down the hall, leaving me to follow him. This is not how I wanted our first meeting since he left to go.

- - -

"You can't turn to alcohol next time. Because if you do, you'll rely on it for emotional support, and when something goes wrong, it'll be all you have. You'll be your dad. Please promise me you'll call me the next time you get that low?" I begged, wrapping an arm around Shane. We were sitting on a bench on campus; the early morning dew causing the grass to shine and the sun forcing Shane and I to squint. "It's just hard..." Shane admitted, letting his head fall limply onto my shoulder. "It aches to hear your voice when you're so far away and I can't touch you or hug you...this isn't how I want our relationship to be.." Shane murmured, and I felt a pain shoot through my chest as the understanding of his words seeped into my brain until it was all I knew. "Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, almost whispering for fear of tainting the beauty of this morning with the heaviness of my words. "I don't want to..but I also don't want it to be this hard." Shane muttered, his voice cracking as he strained to speak, as if his vocal cords couldn't carry the heft that was his words. Because he was right: it was hard, way too hard, and it hurt to be this far from him. The distance will surely kill me as every hour away from Shane emotionally distances us as well. "So what are we to do?" I inquire, feeling as though his answer might shatter me.

"How long are you here for?" Shane asked, brushing off my question. "Uh, Tyler's parents are paying for this trip and they said they didn't mind us staying a, a week." I finish my rambling, risking a glance at Shane. His eyes are watery. "Let's just...enjoy this week together, okay? Then we'll decide what we should do..." He suggests, looking up at me. "Okay." I reply, dreading the end of this week. "I've no classes about we catch up over fries and frosty's?" Shane asked, meaning fries dipped in frosty's from Wendy's. "That sounds great." I replied, offering him a smile. Anything to distract myself from the fact we might not be a going concern by the end of the week. "Perfect." Shane said. Grabbed my hand and together we stood as he led me to his car in the student's parking lot. Just focus on this week, Joey...not the end of it.


Sorry for taking so long to update. I've really not an excuse '-'

The next chapter will be really long to make up for it. At least seven thousand words, I'm hoping. (I think o.e)

Thanks for reading :3


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