Chapter Eight: This is Goodbye?

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over 5k words, I'd get comfy if I were you ;) 

» Shane «

Monday yo 

"Shane. I've been calling your name for the fast fifteen minutes, You're going to be late to class!" Colin shrieked, whacking me on the head with a pillow. I simply groaned and burrowed deeper into the cocoon of warmth known as my blanket. Heaven. Bliss. I could stay like this for-"If you don't get up you won't get to see Joey.." Colin pointed out and I was up in a flash. 


        "Thanks, roomie." I said, offering him a sleepy smile as we left our room together. "I still haven't forgave you." He teased, jutting his lower lip out in a pout. "Ah, sure." I muttered sarcastically. I'd been beating myself up since the Misty incident. And I hadn't said a word to her since. 

As we entered the dorm lounge and began to part ways, I heard a slightly raspy though completely sexy British lilt whisper in my ear, "You'll have to earn your forgiveness." Then I felt the faint outline of lips on my cheek. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks but when I looked in the direction Colin was, he had already disappeared. Cheeky little shit! He shouldn't be allowed to taunt me like that.


After nearly falling asleep in Intro Fiction to soaring in Entrepreneurship, it was finally my lunch break. Joey had texted me in between my first two classes making sure he could pick me up from my dorm at twelve. I agreed hastily and from then on couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I felt terrible for what I did to him and was planning on making up for it over the course of the week. And I definitely was not letting him slip through my fingers at the end of this week. I wasn't losing him. 

"I want to watch Supernatural." Jonathan said, stealing the remote away from Colin. We were in our dorm, where Jon and Colin were being unbearably mushy while I waited for Joey to show. 

        "But I want to watch Doctor Who." Colin argued, tickling Jon's side in attempt to steal the remote from him. It didn't work and Jon simply swatted at him. 

"Let's let Shane decide. What do you want to watch?" Jon suggested, turning his eyes to me. Colin shot me a wink, implying that I should choose Doctor Who. "Supernatural." I murmured, smirking as Colin gasped. "Traitor!" He shouted. I just shrugged as Jon happily put on Supernatural. Colin would get over it and after his little stunt this morning, it's what he deserves. 

Then there was a knock on the door and Joey came strutting in, looking lethally sexy in white skinny jeans and a tight black button down; his quiff game strong. I just wanted to shout "YEAH THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!" But I refrained from doing so and instead stood and met Joey at the door, planting a soft peck on his lips. 

        "Get him out of here!" Colin shouted suddenly, making a "shoo" motion with his hands. "Yeah, Joey, take him. He is no longer welcome." Jon agreed with his boyfriend, shooting me a slight smirk.

"I picked Supernatural for you, asshat! Have fun blowing your boyfriend while I'm gone." I grumbled sassily, flipping them both off before walking from the room, Joey following, shutting the door behind us. Joey couldn't contain his laughter in a civil manner and basically fell in the floor. I didn't wait for him to get it under control, I kept walking. "Shane, wait," he panted and I turned to see him leaning against the wall. Now I'm glad I didn't shout "THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!" 

        That's my embarrassing! 

"You guys are hilarious, just..I'm sorry, wait." He gave an excuse, almost sprinting to catch up to me. "Whatever. I love you." I replied, wrinkling up my nose as he kissed my forehead. Smiling, I let him entertwine his fingers with mine. We began walking again and didn't stop until we were outside under the cloudy fall sky. "Where are we going?" I questioned as he led me to my car. Damn...I should've known he would've brought his spare keys on this trip. 

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