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Chapter Three | The Introduction

As I dragged my suitcase up the marble stairs in front of me, I finally caught my first glimpse of the hotel I would be staying in for the next month or so. Let me tell you, this place was fancy as fuck! Even my Mom was impressed, which is something you don't see very often.

"Alex, look at this place! Isn't it amazing?" my Mom babbled, undeniably beaming at the structure in front of her.

I nodded excitedly in response. As I took in my surroundings, I heard the clicking of heels as people walked across the polished marble floor. The hotel's high walls were adorned with luxurious wallpaper, embossed with rows upon rows of tiny golden flowers and other botanical prints. The furniture also co-ordinated with the overall aesthetic- all with some sort of golden tinge.

The whole atmosphere was mesmerising. However, I was soon brought out of my slight stupor by the group of people approaching my Mom and I. I felt my heart flutter as I realised it was the cast. The Stranger Things cast!

"I'll go check us in and leave you all to get acquainted," said my Mom with a knowing smile, noticing the oncoming group of kids. "See you for dinner later on," She added before walking away.

I was welcomed quite literally with open arms- Millie and Sadie greeted me with a heartfelt hug, making me feel considerably less apprehensive.

"Finally, another girl!" squealed Millie. "We just need a few more and then we'll be able to overthrow the boys!"

Noah, Caleb, Gaten, and Finn each responded to Millie's remark with a mixture of raised eyebrows and exaggerated sighs.

"What does that even mean?" scoffed Finn.

"Watch it Wolfhard, we're multiplying," taunted Sadie in response, causing Caleb and Noah to snort.

"Whatever," dismissed Gaten. "I'm Gaten," he said, planting his hand on his chest as he introduced himself (although rather unnecessarily), before pointing out and introducing everyone else.

"It's nice to meet you all," I said earnestly. "My name's Alex, by the way" I added.

"This is bold, but I was wondering if you'd like to hang out later?" asked Millie expectantly. "So we can get to know you a little"

"I'd love to!" I exclaimed happily.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" asked Sadie.

I shook my head, "No after I get dinner with my Mom, I'll be free all night."

"Alright" began Millie, "Sadie and I are staying in room 103, you're welcome to stay over-"

Noah let out a cough, cutting Millie off. "Where's our invitation?" he asked expectantly.

"Fine" Millie agreed, jokingly rolling her eyes at Noah. "As I was saying, you're very welcome to come for a sleepover, Alex, but the guys will be there too."

"But please don't let them deter you," added Sadie with a laugh.

"No, no, I'd love to," I assured, and I wholeheartedly meant it.

"Perfect!" replied Millie. "See you around seven?"

"Seven it is," I confirmed, smiling to myself as the group walked away.

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