Did You Hear?

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CHAPTER 3; Did You Hear?


After leaving Carol's office me and Alex were silent the whole car ride home. When we got home he finally broke the silence.

Alex: I'm sorry you had to go through that and that you had to bring up what happened with mom.

Livi: Its ok Alex I needed to get that out.

Alex: Since thats over with, you wanna go to get some Chinese?

Livi: yea sure I love Chinese.

While eating I heard the door bell in the food joint ring. I looked over and guess who it was.


Alex: Who?

Livi: Oh nothing just someone from school. Thanks for the food bro but I have to go.

Alex: wait what?

By the time I could even say any thing i had jetted out the door passed Xander.
I ran to Nyla's house. Her mom had answered the door.

Livi: Hello Mrs. Schröder

Mrs. Schroder: Hey Mrs. Haeden. You can call me Mrs. Kasidy.

Livi: Ok Mrs. Kasidy is ummm Nyla here.

Mrs. Kasidy: Not yet but she should be coming in from volleyball now. But until then you can hang out in the living room.

Livi: Ok thanks Mrs. Kasidy

As I went to sit down I turned on their new apple tv which is kind of cool. As i started to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians, Nelson walked in the room.

Nelson: Oh wassup beautiful.

Livi: Nelson you are full of it.

Nelson: What you mean?

Livi: You have a girlfriend and you've never expressed your feelings for me before.

Nelson: Oh I forgot about Alana and thats because we was in seventh grade and I didn't have no game.

Livi: And you still don't

Nelson: How about you let me take you out?

Livi: ummmm Alana

Nelson: Haven't you heard she been cheating on me with some dude in our grade.

???: No duh thats why I told you to break up with her.

Livi: Oh hey Nyla can we go talk?

Nyla: Yea come on.

Livi: So whats the juice?

Nyla: I heard Miley is having a get together and if your in eleventh or twelfth grade you are invited. Do u wanna go?

Livi: Yea when is it?

Nyla: Next week and everybody supposed to be there.

Livi: Its gonna be great especially because I get to see everyone from seventh grade.

Nyla: And they get to see you! * winks *

Livi: OMG guess who I saw today??!!

Nyla: Xander

Livi: Yesss. How you know?

Nyla: Because I called your brother about you and he said you left him when some Xander dude came.

Livi: Oh yea lol

Nyla: Lol

Livi: Alright well I have to go before my brother starts fussing girl.

Nyla: Alright bye girl

Nelson: Alright bye girl * mocking Nyla *

End of chapter 3

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