Screw you

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Millie POV
I just woke up to a loud "ding". I was so tired but I went up to check my phone anyway. Slowly I rolled out of bed and unplugged my phone. What I say changed my life forever. Jacob was kissing another girl. Kissing. I gasped, falling on the floor. I saw Caleb and Finn run over to me, already knowing what I saw. I was so confused. How could he do this to me. I loved him just to treat me like this. Apparently my incessant crying woke Sadie, Noah, and Gaten up. They all checked their phones and found out what happened. I hated him.
Finns POV
Millie wouldn't stop crying but all of us didn't care, that snake broke our best friends heart. We all knew Jacob was bad news. How could he do this to my... our Millie. Right then Millie's phone went off once again. We all looked over to see what or who it was. Guess who it was. Jacob. Sartorious.
JACOB: baby I'm so sorry it was a mistake just come over we can watch a movie and make it right

Millie just look down at the text in pure anger, her fingers stared typing faster then any of us could keep up with

MILLIE: don't baby me! U made out with another girl now u want to watch a movie and make it right?! Screw you, go make out with Jenna some more.

We were all aghast when she put the phone down. She looked up and hugged us all one more time."I'm just going to go to sleep" we all nodded and crawled back in our beds.
Millie didn't deserve this. I could treat her so much better...Not that I want to or anything..we are just friends. I think.

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