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Millie POV
I woke up with tear stained cheeks from the night before. I still couldn't get over how much of a douche he was. One thing never left my mind though. Finn. He was the one to check if I was okay multiple times. First one to hug me. First one to comfort me. Why would he do this. Why was he so good to me. What did I do to deserve him. I was still laying in bed with my eyes closed while thinking of all this. Someone broke my trance by lightly shaking me. It was Finn, checking to see if I was okay. He whispered "Mills I'm so sorry what he did to you, you don't deserve it. You deserve so much better. Someone who cares for you as much as you do for them. You can always talk to me if you need anyth-" I don't know what got into me. It just happened. I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. I let go looking up at him, pure shock in his eyes."Finn I'm sorry I don't know what got into me." " Its okay." He whispered pulling me into another kiss.
Finn POV
I was smiling from ear to ear. I had just kissed Millie! Everybody else was asleep and she said we shouldn't tell anybody, but telling one person wouldn't hurt. I was sitting trying to figure out who I was going to tell when Caleb popped out of bed. I walked over to him and started, " um.. after I woke up I kinda started comforting Millie again, and um.." "And... WHAT" he whisper-yelled at me." "Well then she sorta kinda umm.. sorta kinda kissed me." Caleb looked at me aghast, then about two seconds later yelled, " FILLIE" I shushed him and told him I wasn't suppose to tell anyone. He was still jumping up and down when Millie came out of the shower. " I'm gonna head to my cabin, see ya" Caleb waved at her with a huge smile and gave me a wink. I felt butterflies in my stomach, when Sadie launched out of bed screaming, " I HEARD EVERYTHING," .....oh no

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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