Chapter 23

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YAY IT HASN'T BEEN TWO YEARS SINCE I LAST UPDATED!! Nope, it's only been like one.... :P Anyways, i am a little skeptical about this chapter, it is weirder than me, nuttier than squirrel poo really....but still COMMENT! VOTE! MESSAGE ME!

And this chapter and warm, happy feelings go out to VikingHouse, xoxogossipgirl, xxCassiexx, RebelAngel, hopeless-twit09, terranalleen, cassie_16, and Solano_805 because without who, this chapter would not have been out for probably another two weeks!

Comments motivate me to write, and you guys are so encouraging, i love it!! And don't thank me for the shout out, thank you for being so supportive, typing your username before i post is not a big deal in return :)


thanks everyone, you really are so cool that it astounds me :)))))) 




"Should have guessed you'd be this aggressive in bed," he murmured from on top of me, his voice groggy with sleep and now pain. Good, he deserves it. "but if I remember correctly, you did ask me to sleep with you. I would have preferred begging, but whatever works eh?"

"You disgust me you pervert," I spat out as we both got up, and I put a hand to his bare chest, effectively shoving him backwards, "get out."

I meant what I said, he actually was beginning to disgust me. Last night had been my most vulnerable moment, and he had seen it, seen me and how my life is controlled by those nightmares. At the time, he was gentle, comforting, and maybe even--if I was being truly honest with myself--cute. I had thought that perhaps we had made a little progress, maybe even gotten a little closer.

I should have known though, I was such an idiot.

This morning he was making it blatantly obvious that it was all just a game to him, that he just wanted to prove what he had said not too long ago: that he, the ultimate ladies man, the 'fucking sex god', could seduce me because " it was only a matter of time," according to him. Last night was just another step, or another trick to get me to sleep with him, and he thought he could actually make me do that, that he could take away my dignity.

He was wrong.

Unlike the other girls, I wasn't completely stupid, and I had an advantage that I was pretty sure that none of them had had; I lived with Sage. I had seen his ways, I had seen him with those girls that night, and he couldn't act innocent with me. I knew, and I wasn't going to let him win.  

I shoved him out the door, wanting nothing more than to erase the light humor in his purple eyes, and to wipe that stupid, little trademark smirk that stupidly made my heart pick up slightly off his stupid little face.

"I love it when you talk dirty to me," he smirked deviously as I slammed the door in his face, taking out my anger out on the furniture. I didn't know how exactly, but he seemed to know exactly what to say to get under my skin. "Wait, you can't kick me out of my own freaking room! I need clothes!"

"I need you to leave, we can't all get what we want."

"Yeah, I'll leave you....leave you satisfied in bed..."

I hate him.


Delusional. I was delusional to believe that I could go on a date. Simple as that, bam right there in black in white. How and why did I ever agree to it?


I sighed, stretching my legs out as I leaned against Sage's door, still waiting for him to disappear on the other side so that I could get ready for said date.

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