Where are we

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Nicola's POV

I slowly open my eyes it's not light but I can still see though. I look around. I'm in a room with no furniture that I can see. I look to my left and then I see Molly. She's on a chair knocked out. What had happened to us. I try to get up but I'm tied to a chair. Where was I?. And that's when it all came back to me.

Flashback to earlier.

Me and Ash were woken up to screaming. It was Molly we ran down stairs and she was getting attacked by Lauren . I remember I stood in front of her and tackled Lauren to the ground. But she was to strong. And then that's when Ash jumped in front of me and got caught by the blade. He got back up and jumped on Lauren but she knocked him to the ground knocking him out cold. Lauren then turned on me and Molly. I was standing in front of Molly nothing's going to happen to her. I'm going to protect her. That's when Lauren took a swing at me. I dodge but she kept on swing her knife and fists with me. I finally manage to punch her face making her nose burst.

"I'm going to kill you for that bitch!" she screamed.

"Come and get me" I say.

She goes for me again but I dodge. She manages to hit me in the stomach which knocks me to the ground. I'm winded. She turns on helpless Molly. She hits her head once but it's enough to knock her out. I get back up and jump on Laurens back she backs up against the wall which makes me hit my head on the wall. I fall to the floor and she starts to kick me in the face and stomach. Soon everything fades to black.
End of flashback

Lauren must of took me and Molly here. I look at Molly she's starting to wake up.

"Molly?" I say.

She looks at me.

"Nicola?" she asks.

"Yeah, are you ok?" I ask her.

"No, my head really hurts." She says.

"Where are we?" she asks.

"I don't know" I say.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask her.

She nods "I was sitting down stairs when I heard someone come through the front door I thought it was Katie so I got up and went to see her." She says.

"But it was Lauren. "What do you want?" I asked her. She said she wanted to kill Katie and I wasn't going to let that happen. And then put of nowhere she swung a knife at me and that's when I started to scream and you and Ash came running down the stairs. And you and Ash tried to fight her and Ash got knocked out and you tried to protect me and she hit my head and everything went black." She says the last bit really fast.

Suddenly the lights come on. I look around were in a small musky room with a table on the other side and some stairs. We hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn my head to see who it was. Lauren.

She smirks at us.

"Where are we!" I shout at her.

"That's no way to talk to me you will be punished for that" she says.

She whistles and two big bulky men come down the stairs.

"Hurt her" Lauren says.

They come over to me and look for a minute. Then they start to hit my stomach.

"NOOO!!" Molly screams.

"Please don't please don't hit my stomach please anywhere but there." I plead.

"Why?" they ask.

I look at them.

"I-l, I'm-"

"Spit it out!!" they shout.

"I'm pregnant!" I shout.

They look at each other. Nod and continue to hit me. Punch my face my arms everywhere.

"That's enough" Lauren says.

She comes over to me and takes my face in her hands.

"Now have you learned your lesson?" she asks.

I nod.

"What do you want with us?" I ask.

"oh I don't want you,your just bait." She says.

"Bait?" Molly asks.

"For Katie of course in going to kill that little birch when I get my hands on her and your going to help me do it." She says smirking.

I updated earlier because I can't do it tonight love you guys keep voting and reading thank you xx

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