Dorms (chapter 3)

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(We are gonna pretend EVERYONE is 18. Unless I say otherwise) ;)
Heheheh 😏 have fun 😜

We all got off the plane, and found where our school was after an old friend came to pick us up.

We drove to the school and yah know did what you'd usually do when you go to school, we went inside.

Holy Fuck.

"That's a lot of fucking people." I said to Jordyn.
"Yup now lets go check in."

We walked to the office and told the office lady our names.

"Okay Kylie here is your schedule, and this is your locker combination, and you get your books from the teachers."

I decided to leave Jordyn and go find some new friends, because why tf not?

I was walking around and I saw two girls who looked really nice.

They looked like this:

They looked like this:

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And this:

I walked up to them

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I walked up to them

"Hey! My name is Kylie!" I said putting a lot of enthusiasm in it.
"Hey, my name is Hailey!" The first girl said (first one in pictures)
"Hi my name is Lea!"

They seem pretty legit.

"So what's your schedule?" Hailey asked.
"Here I'll look."

She took my schedule and compared it with hers.

"Cool we have the same schedule!"
"Wait you're doing dance too?" I ask.
"Yeah! We both are. We are dancers on Instagram and musically, and sometimes post videos of us dancing on Snapchat."
"That's cool!"

"Today we have the day off since it's the first day, they expect that we walk around the school and make sure we know where all the classrooms are, and the fasted routes there."
"Oh, okay. What dorm room are you guys in?"
"We are both in dorm room 206 on the.... 4th floor." Lea said
"Really that's so weird, it's like we were supposed to be best friends." I said.
"That's your room too? Omg that's so weird.." Hailey said
"yeah... why don't we go find it." I said with a smile.

We walked to the dorm rooms, which all the students are in.

"Yup...this is it. I think?" Lea said looking at the paper closer.
"Okay, lets go in." I said exited.

We walked in and there was a blonde girl setting up her bed on a bottom bunk.

"Hi! My name is Loren!"
"Hi Loren! I'm Kylie."
"Yeah I know, I follow you on Instagram. You're so pretty." She said flashing a smile.
"Thanks, you too." I replied.
"Hey I'm Hailey."
"I'm Lea."
"Hey! I saw you guys on musically. So good."
"Thanks!" They said at the same time becoming more friendly.
"I took a bottom bunk, because I thought someone else would want a top."
"Thanks!" Lea said politely.


Soooo Yeah. Idk where I'm going with this. But.....

Song of the chapter:

Quote of the chapter:
"aRe yOu gUyS rEaDIiiIIiiiiii"
~Zachary Herron

Okay bye.

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