#Twining (chapter 7)

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"Soooo whats up?" I asked once we got away from dorms.
"Would you and the guys maybe dislike me if I were to uh-m have a child?"
"N-no. Why?" I ask.
"Well. I have a daughter."

(Am I mean for doing that?)

~~ JACK'S POV ~~

That was some good tea.

I get out of the bathroom and go to my room.

I put on my gray 'Why Don't We' hoodie, black pants, white shoes, and red hat. I wanted to be matching with Jonah.. just to get on his nerves. I'm a great person.

I go downstairs to see no Kylie.

"Where did Kylie go?" I asked.
"She and Daniel went somewhere a little bit ago." Loren said.
"Oh." I replied looking down.

Then an idea popped in my head.

"Hey, lets play truth or dare!" I said.
"Yeah, I'm down." Hailey said sitting on the carpet in front of the couch.

I heard a bunch of "Yeah okay's" and "Sure why not's".

We all formed a oval on the floor since there was only 7 of us.

"I'll go first." Loren said looking around the small "circle" we made.
"..... umm jack. Truth or dare." She said smirking at me.
"Dare." I said with no hesitation, smirking right back.
"I dare you to kiss Zach. On the lips." She said her smirk growing.
"..... um-"
"Remember, you have to do it. It's a dare." Her pupils growing by the second.

Oh no. Why did I choose truth or dare. I could have picked never have I ever, or some other game.

"O-okay." I said looking at Zach who looked like he was gonna have a panic attack.

Wait! She never said how long. So I can just peck him on the lips and get it over with. But just as if on que Loren said

"For 7 seconds. Tongue."
"Okay. But everyone give me your phones."
"Ugh Okay." Everyone said handing their phones, Loren hesitating.

"Okay, it's okay we don't have to use tongue, just follow my lead."
"Yeah whatever man just, lets get it over with."

I leaned in when....

To be continued.

Lol bitch you thot.

"WERE BACK!" Kylie yelled slamming the dorm room door.

"Thank god." I Whispered underneath my breath.

Daniel just had this... shocked face on. I wonder what happened.

"Okay, Kylie this dorm room is pretty small, you really don't need to yell." Lea said rubbing her ear.
"Hehe sorry Lea." She said smiling.
"But Instagram.. no Instagram?" She said shifting from side to side.
"Instagram. Duh." Hailey said laughing.

"Oh yay okay me first!" Loren said.


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