Chapter One

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??? POV

I was handcuffed to the table, so there wasn't much I could do. Then the door opened, and an African-American woman holding what looked to be a file, walked in. 

"Do you know why you are here?" She asked, knowing I didn't.

"You're a man of few words, that's alright, just listen to me." She sat down in front of me and opened the file.

You are a very dangerous man, one hundred and twenty five confirmed kills, seen in over twenty countries, and you've trained with the SAS, marines, and the GSG9. A pretty impressive resume if I say so myself." She looked at my handcuffs and closed the file. 

"Anyway, I could use someone of your talent, with a special team of mine, called Team Rainbow. We specialize in counter terrorism ops. We are by far the best of the best. I'll make this quick, sign here, or go to prison for the rest of your life." She put a piece of paper in front of me, and a pen. 

I signed it.

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