Chapter Six

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Grim looked at me and then at a postcard on his nightstand. He picked it up and handed it to me. The writing said "To James - Love Justin.

"Are you James?" I asked. He gave a small nod.

"Justin, is that your brother?"  He nodded again. 

"Justin was killed in a terrorist attack years ago." I could see the pained look on his face, and decided to change the subject. 

"I read on your file that you would've been in jail if you hadn't joined Rainbow, why?" I remembered seeing the paper he signed on Six' desk.

"I um, I don't wanna talk about it." He said, another pained look on his face.

Grim POV

I didn't like being asked questions, but Eliza had good reason, I was part of her team. I was starting to like her, she was really pretty and I knew she would take a bullet for her comrades, but, I cannot be in a relationship with anyone. Everyone I loved is now dead.

"Well, I gotta go, nice meeting you." Eliza said as she left the room. No matter how much I suppressed it, I knew I really liked her.



I walked back to my room, the image of Grim's scars filled my head. I wondered how much pain he has had to endure, the loss of his brother, and those scars, some covered his whole back, while some were obviously shrapnel wounds. I entered my room and closed the door behind me. That was when I heard a loud explosion, on the other side of the base. My training kicked in. I grabbed my rifle and started out the door. 

Grim POV

I heard the explosion and grabbed my M4, the SIG, and the 1911 and shoved them in two different holsters I had just barely tried on. I ran out the door and started going to where I heard the explosion. Another one sounded, much closer, shaking the hall. I burst into the cafeteria, rifle raised. I heard gunfire, and the occasional callout of reloading. I recognized the Texans voice and went towards it. 

The Texan was caught up in a firefight in the gym, I opened the door and went in. I could see the Texan was with Bandit, the German lady, and a man named Julien. I recognized the group who was behind this. The White Masks. Those bastards gave me forty five of my scars. Running from cover to cover, I finally made it to the Texans position. 

"Hey newbie, mind helping us." He said as I slid behind cover next to him. I gave a slight nod and looked around. 'Not much for cover, but that goes for the masks as well.' I thought, all we had were some benches, but they were being torn apart. 

I started popping up from cover randomly and sending bursts of rounds at the terrorists. Without thinking, I sprang up from cover and ran at the terrorists, let's just say, they were lacking in hand-to-hand combat. I punched one in the throat, connected my foot with another's crotch, and pulled doubt my combat knife, bringing it down to the skull of the third. 

I stood up right when the other door was blown open, and I felt burning pain throughout my torso.

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